President Donald Trump signed Tuesday on Tuesday, he wanted to limit the gender affirmation for children under the age of 19.
A order A federal care would be allowed to limit the medical institutions – adolescent blockers, hormone therapies and surgeries – Secretary of Health and Human Services “Surgical Muting for Chemical Surgical Actions.” The executive promise does not appear these procedures For those who are not limited to those who are not under 19.
Trump Trump is the last act of Trumpen influencing the community – this is appreciate Form less than 1% of the population over 13 years of age. Recently, they signed the orders that limit the participation of transsexuals, finishing the recognition of transsexual people federal recognition and reducing changes to the federal document of the genre marker.
The National National National Associations, American Medical Association, American Medical Association, American Psychiatry, American Psychiatry, and more than 20 others have argued that the assertion of the genre is safe, efficient, beneficial and medically necessary.
Among the increase in states moving to the guidance confirmed youth, the ban on the State in February, is contrary to the principles of health, human rights and social justice. “
The Order of Trump has noted that the policy of the “United States shall not be” transitioned, “protect, promote or protect, and will implement the laws that prohibit or limit these procedures for destructive procedures and lives.”
Requests also move to exclude the coverage of federal health insurance companies, including the advantages of the Department of Defense, including Federal Health Benefits of Employee Health and Postal Services Health Benefits.
Trump’s command expressed concerns that sterilize children, saying: “Many children are regretted that they regret and never regret that they never feed their children through breastfeeding.”
Medical experts ABC previously said to the news In puberty, the fertility issues of young teenagers still have seen adolescence and hormone therapies that do not necessarily sterilize transgender, but it affects fertility. National guidelines indicate that doctors should not warn the patients with reduced fertility before administer hormone therapy.
Gender inquiries for young age-12 years old are very rare, and the ones made are almost breast procedures, According to JAMA network research.
Separate research by researchers by Harvard Th Chan by Public Health Chan Nothing is used little Inquiries of the genre of US transgender and gender theater, in fact, minors and adults were undergoing minors. opposite of their transsexuals.