Marcus jordan
Alleges are not guilty
… In case of DUI
Marcus jordan Friday is not guilty of his DUI case. TMZ Sports: has learned.
As we previously reported … is Michael’s son stands on three charges At the beginning of this week, he stems from the police with the police, the DUI accident with property damage, possession of cocaine and resisting the officer.
Jordan allegedly received his Lamborghini SUV stuck in the train tracks On Tuesday morning, Florida after one night … And when the police arrived at the scene, they claim that he shows signs of poisoning.
The officers say they tried to gain breathing tests … But he would not cooperate.
The footage of the body camera TMZ Sports: showed that Jordan tried Drag the famous Dad Card During the incident, but the police were not apparently impressed … and he flared and moved to a DUI test facility.
When they arrived there, the police say Jordan acts like a rough blurbatory … and even had some musical requirementsasking them to “play in this bite of several Maria Kerry.”
While Jordan did not talk alongside his belongings Thank you all his supporters Who reached him after his arrest in the next days?
He returns to court in March.