On Monday, the press secretary of the Palestinian Administration President Mahmoud Abbas claimed that the Israeli operation was part of a broader effort aimed at “displacing citizens and ethnic purification.”
Speaking to Journalists in Geneva on Tuesday, Juliet Tuma from the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (Anfa) warned about the deterioration of the refugee camp Jenin.
Hundreds of Israeli power forces supported by helicopters, drones and armored vehicles, raids in camp, which have long been considered as the support of armed groups.
“Many parts of the camp were completely destroyed in a number of detonations of Israeli forces. According to the estimate, 100 houses were destroyed or severely damaged,” said Ms Tum.
“This detonation, which took place on Sunday, was when the children had to return to school,” she added.
On Sunday, IDF stated that 23 structures were “disassembled” where there were explosives, weapons, observation posts and other infrastructure belonging to the armed groups.
Ms Tuma also stated that Anfa, who had failed to provide services at the camp since the beginning of December, had not received pre -warning from the Israeli authorities.
On Thursday, two laws passed by the Israeli Parliament last year, which prohibits the activities of the Arva on Israeli Gleb and prohibits contact between Israeli officials and Anta staff. Israeli officials accuse Antwa of complicity with Hamas – the prosecution denies.
Ms Tumo said the Israeli government “did not report to Arvo how they intended to implement” laws, and that the teams of Anta are now “remaining and delivering”.