There are some details that the group cannot publicly talk about the problems that it may endanger the safety of the operation.
Ms. Davis says planning is crucial in order for the exchange to work freely. They displayed alternative routes to get to different places in the gas, knowing that “the safest route could change” at any time.
Among them, the biggest problems are the danger provided by undoubted shells, destroyed and damaged by infrastructure, as well as a large crowd with “enhanced emotions”.
“Our teams are preparing and planning as many scripts as possible,” she says.
“The most important thing for us is to be able to return to any person entrusted to our care.”
But it is impossible to plan everything.
“From the previous experience, here and in other places of the world, we know that logistics and final details can change at any time, even – and especially during operations themselves,” says Ms. Davis.
Medical staff and so -called weapons pollution, prepared for the detection of explosive remains of war, travel with teams.
During the operations, ICRC representatives also maintain regular contacts with both Israeli officials and Hamas as well as mediators.