Commercial vineyards in Denmark and Sweden have only been allowed under European Union regulations since 2000. Winemaking revived around 2010, seeing a transition from hobbyist to more ambitious production.
Curiosity and the fact that “it’s possible” attracted winemakers, explains Jean Becker of the Danish Wine Association.
“I was one of those who started in 2000. We were six growers,” says Mr. Becker, standing in his vineyard 25 km (15 miles) north of Copenhagen.
There are now 150 commercial wineries in Denmark with a total area of 125 hectares of vines, as well as more than 1,000 hobby growers.
Meanwhile, Sweden has 47 commercial operators covering 193 hectares, according to the Swedish Wine Association, with the largest having 125,000 vines.
“I started with 500 vines,” said Jean Becker, “today new winegrowers start with 15,000-25,000. They start on a larger scale. Is there a market for it? The answer is yes.”
But it’s an industry in its infancy compared to the 800,000 hectares under cultivation in France and almost a million hectares in Spain.