from Terry Haik
This is a quick post that just came up with me as I write – well, writing for writing.
I was a brain attack ways to use technology to help students improve their writing and realized that I was thinking again about processS on writing and how crucial it is for the quality of everything the writer is left at the end.
Great writing begins at the beginning, whether with an idea or need or purpose of a social context or a spark of inspiration. Whatever it is, what “causes” writing to start – what is made there at the beginning is something like a lump of clay. Without this clay, much can not happen and the quality of this clay matters; Its texture and purity and consistency and overall makeup have many to say about what it can produce. To a large extent, what you can create with this clay depends on the quality and quantity of this clay.
See also It’s time to think differently about writing in the classroom
But even more important than clay is what you do with it. It is a process of shaping and transforming. It is a matter of vision and perseverance as much as inspiration and talent. The quality of events and of consistency The events after this initial lump of clay are forged more than the quality of the class itself.
Because writing is procedural and mechanical, skills and strategies and habits and tricks, etc., are extremely important. Writing is often seen as a matter of inspiration and talent and love, fiction and telling stories and big words and style, but the truth is that these emblematic “things” are a product of skills and strategies and habits and tricks – and thinking – applies be with.
The purpose of the writing process
To put it another way, the writing process itself is everything. It is not necessary to use in the same way every time and this is another conversation for another day and I only mention it briefly, because the worst you can do is the throat of possible writers/students who only have to believe that They can write and be able to do so with an expert, quality and timely feedback to guide them.
All this leads me to the title. Instead of evaluating the end result of this process (the completed process), evaluate the quality of using this student from the writing process – in the ideal plan based on their specific strengths and weaknesses and the purpose and the audience of the writing assignment itself.
Because, in the end, the purpose of teaching writing is not to make a lot of quality writing in your classroom.
Actually the purpose of writing It is not even able to use the writing process. The more comprehensive purpose of teaching writing is to create each student the tendency to write – the belief that writing is valuable and that they are capable of writing.
With this established, writing teachers can then cultivate the habit and the tendency to use some form of writing process that works for this student.
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Then, in a perfect world, the student can be trained to create quality writing, which achieves a clear goal with a clear audience and we hope to improve his life and the world around them in some way along the way.
Using the writing process
The use of the writing process takes years in practice, as the production of great writing takes constant vision and refinement. This requires the writer to understand what they are trying to say and then to say it in a way that causes some effect on the world. Research, organization of ideas, structure of paragraphs, instructions for sentence, diction, punctuation, breakdown of rules, tone, literary devices-using these ideas for communication of complex ideas is a difficult job.
Therefore, writing is less than activity and more than a process, not unlike the scientific process. Although we can be professionals, it will not make much sense to appreciate the children who make science on the accuracy of their data. Recently, their ability and tendency to use the scientific process to test theories and data collection would be much more important.
For amateurs in many areas, the process is much more important than the product.
If these goals (or such as them) are at least partly true, then a viable alternative to students’ ranking is to appreciate if The student writes and As The student uses the writing process itself in a way that makes sense to themS
And in a way that shows ownership of this writing process that will last long after they have left your classroom.