Creating the first space shuttle for multiple use, construction of the orbital space station, images of remote worlds, captured by its robotic spacecraft, and exciting Hubble photos, inspired by generations and interested in science. As a result, the senators and congressmen know that America and the world owe NASA with unpaid debt.
“The old way of doing things has made us great success, so you do not want to throw away the baby with water. There will be significant changes, but not radical changes that Mr. Mus and Mr. Isaacman want to see:” controversial prof.
“There is a gentle balance between NASA’s interests, Congress and the White House.”
Where this balance will appear in the coming months: some think that the return program a month can be canceled in favor of Mars immediately, as President Trump hinted during the inauguration, with the greatest supporter from this policy – Musk – sat nearby.
Others are afraid to shrink NASA Earth Observation Programswhich control and model changes in the environment from space and include the influence of climate change; And some worry that robotic scientific missions for other planets can be reduced to increase efforts for the human space flight program.