January 27, 2025
Suddenly the powerful farewell to the former president, he rightly condemned the same oligarchy he fell into powers.

Joe Biden unexpectedly saved the best for the last. Nobody has ever blamed the former president of a wonderful speaker. In the last two years, he has increasingly stopped and confused in his public speeches. But on January 15, less than a week before his successor swore, Biden delivered Great farewell– What you need to greet progressive and liberals.
The first part of the speech was accepted by expressing Biden’s deep commitment to American democracy and pluralism. He also outlined the achievements of his administration with a focus on economic recovery. Such flattering was clear: although there is a lot in Biden’s recording, he started the biggest state expenses for social policy in generations and invested serious money in the fight against climate change. When Trump returned to the White House, Biden provided the necessary service, noting a progressive economic vision that serves both the alternative to the corpus and the launch of the site for future democratic administrations.
But the real meat of Biden’s speech came not from the lists of laundries, but his dark anticipation of the threats of the American democracy. Biden warned: “Today, oligarchy is developing in America’s extraordinary wealth, strength and influence that literally threaten our whole democracy, our fundamental rights and freedoms and a fair shot for everyone to come forward. We see the consequences all over America.”
Biden compared this oligarchy with the 19th -century robbers. Those robbers as a result caused a popular reaction that led to confidence in the destruction and progressive tax.
Specifying the nature of this oligarchy, Biden cited one of the most famous of all farewell, the warning of Duyt Eisenhower in 1961 about the “danger of the military-industrial complex”. Quoting Eisenhuer, Biden raised the ghost “catastrophic lifting of the wrong power”. The new concern, advised by Biden, was “a potential rise in the technological complex, which can create real dangers for our country.” Thanks to technological lord, “Americans are buried under the avalanche of misinformation and misinformation, which allows you to abuse the authorities.”
Biden also insisted that “the existential threat of climate change has never been more clear. Just look across the country from California to North Carolina.”
These are all wise words – one thing that the Democrats should listen when they restore their destroyed party. However, Baiden’s speech was a double end, which took not only as a preventive strike on the upcoming abuse of the Trump administration, but also, when we are honest as a reproach of Biden’s own recording.
Warning about the oligarchy, Biden sounded as if suddenly shed his lifetime identity as a centrist -millocht and possessed the spirit of Bernie Sanders. Indeed, Vermont Senator himself seemed known to this fact. The day Sanders on the grill Billionaire Scott Blessed, Trump’s nominee, is the Treasury Minister, and quotes Biden’s decree on oligarchy. Blessed spent that Biden gave the presidential medal of Liberty “two people who could call oligarchs.”
Alas, the breakthrough had a point. In fact, Biden gave the highest civil honor in the country of two billionaires, George Soros and David Rubenstein, both examples of negative money in the US Democracy. Rubenstein’s reward is particularly outrageous because he is a capitalist who has built his happiness through close ties with state officials.
To reformulate the retort of a shame: if you talk, you have to walk on the walk. You can’t talk like Bernie Sanders when you actually Joe Biden – “Senator of MBNA”, who has stifled all his life. Speaking with wealthy donors in 2019Biden’s candidate reassured them that he did not plan much tax campaigns. Under his presidency, “no one will change, nothing would change fundamentally.” In other words, Biden has never been a threat to the oligarchy.
The same contradiction between the words and actions is spreading to Biden’s caution about the “technological complex”. In Speech to the State Department On the same day, when his farewell address, Biden boasted all the new expenses for military technologies, conducted by his administration under the military Cyrenia program. Biden Cool:
We have increased our military power, making the most significant investments in defense of the industrial base in the decades.
We increased technological power, taking on the role of artificial intelligence and other technologies of the future …
We also significantly strengthened the protection of the industrial base, investing nearly $ 1.3 trillion in purchases and research and development. In real dollars, it is more than America in any four -year period during the Cold War.
If the “technological complex” is a new manifestation of the military-industrial complex, then Biden impregnated his economy and our policy. This is state funding that makes technology like Elon Musk (which has billions in government contracts). Once again Biden is an architect of the same oligarchy he points.
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There is another contradiction in the fight against the existential threat, which is a climate change, seeking new competition with China-like Biden. Any real climatic solution will require international cooperation, not economic nationalism.
Biden broke out the rebuke to the oligarchy. But if Biden wants to find out why Plutocracy is now threatening America, he needs to start looking at the mirror.