Harvard Medical School reveals new research Potential to protect yogurt from specific cancer colorAnd, and everything goes down to beneficial bacteria in your gut.
So that morning Perfect yogurt or Greek yogurt lemon cream cake In fact, desserts can do more than your breakfast mind satisfying.
Research results
Harvard scientists followed 132,056 participants over several decades. Their findings show people who eat Two or more servings of yogurt every week be 20% lower risk To develop Bifidobacterium-positive colored cancer less than once a month compared to those who eat Jamurta.
“Our examination offers unique evidence about the potential benefit of yogurt” says Dr. Shuji OginoWho thinks Program at the molecular pathological epidemiology in Brigham and women’s hospital. The research of his team connects specific nutrition models to concrete health results.
Bacterial connection
Examined in the study 1.121 Cancer color cases and found a fascinating model. The most effective yogurt appears to prevent cancer Bifidobacterium-You have a powerful probiotic that supports Intestinal health. They consisted of these cancers 31% of the cases studiedThe remaining 69% showed the presence of bacteria.
Dr. Tomotaka Ugai, the author of the study, explains the meaning:
“It’s been a long time believed that yogurt and other fermented milk products prepare gastrointestinal health. Our new discoveries suggest that this protection effect can be positive bifidobacterium-tumors.”
This study consolidates what we already know Advantages of taking a daily probiotic And how the balanced gut is a key role in the microbiome in general health. If you are looking for Easy ways to improve your intestinal health naturallyThe inclusion of foods that are rich foods like yogurt is a simple and delicious step.
Important health implications
The study identified the strongest anti-yoghurt effects Proximal colon cancerOne type that presents the only challenges:
- Are developed Minimum symptoms
- Standard Cololoscopes often miss
- The results of patients tend to be worse
How the bacteria helps
So why is the power of such a yogurt? Everything is BifidobacteriumWith three key functions in your gut:
- Breaks the diet fibers – This promotes digestion and accepts HI health.
- Strengthens the bowel barrier – A strong bowel liner reduces inflammation and improves nutrient absorption.
- Supports the function of immune system – A healthy microbe is essential for the general immunity.
If you are interested in diversifying your diet friendly diet, check these Probiotic foods to help your intestinewell Few 29 best prebiotic foods for better healththose who feed good bacteria on your system.
Practical steps for prevention
The study suggests the following key actions:
E ✅ Eat two or more yogurt servings a week
E ✅ Choose ordinary yogurt without further sugar
E ✅ Keep regular cancer performances
E ✅ Follow balanced diet
E ✅ Exercise regularly
And more yogurt if you want to go to your diet, try to do it Greek Meze Council inspired with Greek yogurt or convenient Greek yogurt, spinach and artichoke Mac and cheese.
Research context
This study extracted the following data:
- Nursing health study – overcome 100,000 female nurse Tracking since 1976
- Health Professional Monitoring Learning – overcome 51,000 male health professionals Tracking since 1986
Dr. Andrew Chan highlights the importance of research in Massachusetts main hospitality:
“This article is growing evidence that the diet, gut is the risk of microbioma and color cancer.”
Exam parameters
Researchers notice several important reflections:
- The exam was focused Hispanic white health professionals
- Additional research is required different populations
- They have yogurt products Different levels of beneficial bacteria
Ground line
Only yogurt is not a magical cure for cancer, this research provides strong evidence that is intelligent over your diet. Protective effects seem strongly against specific types of cancer, suggesting that Regular consumption of yogurt could have been aimed at health benefits.
So you are enjoying a tablespoon of yogurt, remember – you are not treating your taste of papers; Your gut may be a big difference (and your long-term health).
Tl; dr
E 🔹 Harvard exam of 132,056 people finds eating Yogurt twice a week reduces the risk SPECIFIC COLACE CANCERS by 20%
E 🔹 Works against some cancers with bifidobacterium bacteria
E 🔹 Advantages are the strongest for the right colon cancerTo detect those who are more difficult
E 🔹 Yogurt supports gut health by breaking fibers, strengthening the gut fence and encouraging immunity
E 🔹 Best results? Choose ordinary yogurt without adding sugar and combine with other intestinal food
E 🔹 Want more ways to enjoy yogurt? Try a Greek Meze Council inspired with Greek yogurt, Greek yogurt lemon cream cakeor Greek yogurt, spinach and artichoke Mac and cheese
Mention and sources of study
- For all the details about research supporting this article, see the original study:
- Title: Long-term yogurt tickets and color cancer incidence of abundance of bifidobacterium in the tumor
- Authors: Sataro Ugai, Liu, Kisuke Kosumi, Hipetaka Kawamura, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Cosqual Mima, and Al.
- Published: Gut microbesFebruary 2025
- Doi: https://doi.org/1080/19490976.20257.245237
- Examination data:
- 132,056 participants over several decades
- 3,079 colored cancer cases documand
- 1.121 Tumor samples have been studied Bifidobacterium for presence
- Key discovery: Regular consumption of yogurt (Two or more per week) It was associated with A 20% lower risk To develop Bifidobacterium-positive colored cancerespecially Proximal colon.
Funding and support:
This research:
- National US Health Institutes
- Cancer Research UK Challenge Award
- P Project Fund
- American Cancer Society