Our real age can depend on the age of our brain
Julien Tromeur / Alamy
Seven gene are associated especially quickly year The brain, but 13 drugs and accessories can have their effects.
The activity of many gene contributes to the real age of our age and the biological age of our brain, defined by our cells expressing experts, which knows what brain the gap of age.
To find gene to accelerate the aging of the brain and expand this gap, Zhengxing Huang In China Zhejiang University and his colleagues trained a deep learning model on a 3D-VIT doctors, and they provided specific answers they used others.
Then they used data to study data nearly 39,000 people healthGenetic information and lifestyle, along with biological samples, reserved in the UK biobanch. These participants were on average 64 years old, and half women were.
Identified 3D-VIT identified signatures could be used to estimate biological age of their brain in participants. Fast aging signs were particularly known as the nucleus lentiform, such as those involved in cognition, such as care and work memory and internal capsule back body.
Huang and his colleagues also discovered the scores of the cognition studies of the participants to increase the gap of age in their brain.
Comparing gene changes with the size of their brain gaps, they caused 64 genes, but Huang and his colleagues focused on seven: Lick, Tnfsf12, Gzmb, Sirpb1, Maniki, MB and C1rlTo some extent, all of them have a great impact on the aging of the brain.
Clinical trials have also shown that their activity can be focused on 13 Drugs or accessories. These are Cholecalciferol, complementary vitamin D deprivation; impressLeukemia drug; Diclofenac, anti-inflammatory against steroids; Docónexent, omega-3 fatty acid; Estradiol, the type of estrogen used normally used in hormone replacement therapy; HidRortisone, which is commonly used to treat eczema; And a drug that reduces mecamilamine, hypertension.
The others were nicotinThe foam; A prentona that relieves vaginal pain during menopause; Equipment Quercetin and Resveratrol; Sirolimus, used to remove the usual immune system after a kidney transplant; and testosterone.
But the researchers write people “to consider the risks associated with the adoption of medications or accessories that need to be encouraged, these interventions may not be unintended negative consequences.”
Many genes affect the aging of the brain, but here the authors have used a priority approach to those who have the most influence, Dario Valenzano At Leibniz Institute, Jena, about aging Germany. “The work provides concrete goals for direct monitoring of experimental and clinical interventions.”
But it is difficult to say which great gene affects the brain Richard Siow King’s College in London. “Because you have a particular genetic profile, it doesn’t mean that gene always play”.
Genes can be silenced or activated according to different lifestyle and environmental factors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption. These can also predispose cognitive decays or brain aging.
The study was used in the UK Biobank data, we don’t know that findings return to people around the world, Siow says. The work is needed to find other populations in other populations, such as Africa, South America and Asia, to find it.