He denies the opposition claims that he wants to withdraw Slovakia from the EU and NATO, saying that his country’s membership in both institutions is not speaking.
Dennik N estimated that about 100,000 people across Slovakia were present in the protests, at least 40,000 in the capital.
It was reported that about 10,000 took to Bansk Street, in the city of 75,000.
On Thursday, 15,000 were demonstrated in the second city of Slovakia Kosis to avoid collision with a separate event held there tonight.
This week, there were no reports of violence and disorder, contrary to Fik’s warning that provocateurs would encourage protesters to attack public buildings, which led to the police reaction, which led to major protests.
Earlier on Friday Fika said the police would soon be deported by several foreign “instructors”, he said he was in Slovakia to help the opposition try his government.