Robotic arm in different activation phases
Mode et al
Original plants and pigs is an origin with materials with biodegrades. Such a smooth robot could be developed within the body to make medical procedures and then pass safely.
Soft robotics It is a growing area, without hard devices and is not at all that can be safe, such as when they work in very tight machinery spaces, or nearby – or as well as.
Most experimental soft robots are made with synthetic materials like silicon rubber. Now, Hanqing Jiang In Zhejiang University in Zhejiang, China, and his colleagues have created a simple version of cotton and jelly pigs derived from pigs, and then without harm. A computer can be controlled and can also play as a controller.
In fact, researchers created the form of Kressling origami, compressed and forming a tube that can be bent on one side and four of these modules met a rudimentary robotic arm for 240 millimeters. By squeezing or releasing three equal threads inside this arm, they could manipulate the external motorcycles in any direction.
Gelatin also acts as a sensor, changing electrical resistance under folding. By engraving these resistance values, scientists can determine what position the arm was at any time. The lower construction of the modules could be used as joysticks that could be signals equal to access, passing resistance values to a small computer and these signals could be used to control another soft saphtical arm.
“We can have more robots in the plans than humans in the future, so there will be a lot of waste,” Jiange says. “We must disappear these robots in the landfill.” Jiang said that the current material of the robot is harmful to the environment, but somewhat different would be needed to completely break within the human body.
Kaspar Althoefer At Queen Mary University in London, soft robots can be useful in a series of applications, such as tightening tight spaces in industrial processes, interacting with people safely or interacting with medical procedures. Especially surgery. “You can leave your tools behind such a scenario so you can talk without any problems,” says Althoefer. “I strongly think that soft robotics can go much more than we are now. It’s still a pretty new area.”