Yukon, this Wolf puppy found in Canada is 57,000 years old
Yukon Government
Ivory hunters knew that they found something special. It was 2020 and the Siberian Badyarikha river were tunnels. The final frozen of the river basin is a rich hunting land, for wool mammoth fibers, who get a nice price in the Chinese ivory market. From time to time, the strange treasures arouse – the whole trace of the mammoth and other ancient animals.
That, however, was on another planet. Within a block of ice, the prospectors saw a carcass like nothing they saw before. They warned scientists, and eventually got the block of ice Alexey Lopatin Moscow Borissiak for analysis of paleontological institutes. Last year, he and his team concluded the remains a An animal is related to living cats, and that Pre-hunting is not to catch today.
“For the first time in the history of paleontology, the appearance of a mammal that has no analog in modern wildlife has been studied,” Lopatin says. “It’s a fantastic feeling.”
Eta datorren urteetan paleontologoen ezagunagoa izan litekeen bat da. Although frozen mummies have passed two centuries of Russian and North America, we found about 15 years ago at a golden age. Garai hartan, artilezko mami momia ezagunenetako batzuk argira etorri dira, baita harraparien lehen momiak ere …