Birds have problems throughout the US, but it’s not late to protect
In the US, 42 bird species have low populations and rising populations that put on the edge of the catastrophe, scientists say

More and more weigher Pinyon Jay Pinyon on a tree in Colorado.
Gerald Deboer / Getty Images
Forget the Canary Islands in a mine: today The Risk Center is the whole USAAnd the increasing list of sentinel species, which includes juicy gold, Florida scrub Jay and the cut duck.
These are the “red alert” between 42 bird species, recovering and included in conservation initiatives 2025 Bird StatusA new report released report was called the Conservation Initiative of the North American birds. The report examines population trends More than 700 bird species It identifies 229 species that experts believe that experts believe that experts believe that experts are a great or moderate concern. “Bird populations continue to go down, and a third of the US species requires urgent conservation attention,” Amanda Rodewald, report by Amanda Rodewald at the University of Cornell.
The bad news is also for humans, he stressed. The decline of bird populations “tells us that the environment is changing in ways that people may have negative results,” Rodewald said. “We live in the same bird habitat, so if they are not healthy for birds, they are not healthy for us.” In addition, bird activities, such as buying bird seed for food or equipment Bird watching And photography helped $ 279 million in the US economy only in 2022.
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Spring greater past chicken.
Steve Oehlenschlager / Getty Images
The recovery path studied population trends per species, identifying birds identifying “tip-tip” and grouping in three color coded categories, throughout the trend and based on the latest. For example, a larger meat chicken, who lost a lot of his habitats and splintered small genetic diversity in small groups, “red alert” as a leading species. In contrast, species called Pinyon Jay “yellow alert” also lost forest habitats due to drought and insects, among other factors, but their populations are stabilizing.
New report evaluates how birds about certain ecosystems work. Those found in minors or landscapes, such as being very bad, populations fell by more than 40 percent since 1970.

Northern paintings Duck species are “yellow alert” as a leading species.
Brianekushner / Getty Images
A new development creates a special concern: Duck species have generally seen severe declines in recent years, potentially drought, Rodewald said. “That’s definitely a Loi game,” explains that urban birds and waterbirds generally “bright place” in similar analyzes.
Peter’s line, Georgetown University of Georgetown University Conservation Biologist, did 2019 work but did the 2019 work It was more than three million dollars than in 1970This says the new discoveries provide a valuable spectator for the most urgent response to species.
Rodewald and stripes stand out as a team of shorebirds highlights. The species of this group is based on the delicate regions that freshwater or salt water meets the earth, as the line says. “We are changing the natural landscape in multiple and complex ways, and that we will last these species,” he noted.

Night Grosce appears as a species of forest birds “Orange Alert”.
Lela Durant / Getty Images
Rodewald has also warned that the declines in the woods in the woods can be surprised for people who see many trees around. “In fact, the characteristics and characteristics of these forests have changed quite significantly in some cases,” he explains. “Although we have forests, they are not always able to give the birds in a way that they are able to provide specific features.”
The findings are rough, but Rodewal stated that the report provides a more detailed approach How the birds come out It has never been possible thanks to the use of naturalistic programs like Ebird. When these data stand out when birds are declining, they show birds where they stay, as well as conservation programs. “We have more opportunities than ever to conserve strategic and efficient decisions, and because we have had more information than ever,” Rodewald said.
It comes with a line, arguing that such reports are essential, to identify individual species that require speed and specialized attention. “We need to do something with these species, threatened or risked before they listed,” says the lines. At this point, he said that the action becomes more controversable and more expensive. But if we don’t start doing different options, we won’t be another chance.
“We can’t close your eyes and hope that these things will change,” says the lines. “How we run our operations on this planet, and we don’t do that.”