What teaches mummies scientists about ancient society
Aroma Mummy can be notified of social and historical classes, according to a group prepared by Momik’s sniffers

Selection of mumming bodies in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
If you asked you to describe the smell of an ancient mum of Egypt, you would discuss a high-wined perfume or range, mentioning the smell of old linen resin and citrus oil notes. It’s just a rumor of pests.
These vivid comparisons come from a new laboratory Analysis of nine mummy from various social classes and historical periods. Researchers in Slovenia, England, Poland and Egypt collaborated with the Egyptian Museum Cairo to identify more than 50 compounds of air samples taken around each mummy. Samples were chemically studied and then asked to describe a particularly trained human “sniffers” or “sour” or “spiking” or sensory languages. The discovery of the group recently published American Chemical Society magazineShow mummies in a non-invasive way that includes local scientists.
Researchers carefully hit each mummy candidate to achieve a wide range of odors, Seeding Co-author Abdelrazek ElnaggarProfessor of Cultural Heritage Studies at Ain Shams University of Egypt. To collect samples of aromas, they inserted small tubes around each mummy (not caution not to stop not to touch) to the gas molecules that were still emitting. The group used gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to identify chemical compounds of samples.
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Emma Paolin, Doctoral Researcher at the University of Ljubljana, smelling the olfactory port of a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. Analysts describe the smell of quality, intensity and hedonic tone.
Andrej Kriz Ljubljana University, Faculty of Chemicals and Chemical Technology
A group of people, mostly Museum workers, was responsible for describing the odors. Elnagarri and colleagues trained to identify individualized materials used by participants with specific aromas. He also learned how to distinguish between mummies and mummy infrastructure or conservation treatments.
The odor profiles obtained were complex, but the most trained sniffers trained, boiled, “researchers were used to better understand the many mumming practices.” Momifications) are different materials used in mumming and also explained by Elnaggar. For example, Ability to Egyptian mummies, about 5000 BCE, were naturally mummed by the remains of the dead, dry and dry sand. Artificial techniques started around 2700 BCE and most of them were sophisticated in the new kingdomAt the time, those who began around 1500 BCE, the organs received a profound treatment with many oils and resin. The oldest mummy of the study were the most recent kingdoms, but the researchers later (about 660 and 330 BCE) found some similarities to each other.
It is also likely to cause some differences in smelling differences to varying momivisions for individuals of different social classes. Over time, “individuals of social situations would be mummed with natural odors and intensity of more intensity,” says Study co-authors Matija Strli & Ccaron;Analytical chemist from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. For example, it explains that the bodies of Pharaohs and other elites were treated with fresh natural salts and resins, salt and other materials were reused for the body’s bodies of poor classes. In the study, the preserved mummy was in a coffin, with a gold mask, and if he was one of the oldest, he had many smells that were found at higher concentrations than other mummies.
The use of local conservatives was key to this study, Elnaggar says, as they participate as a caregiver of Egyptian cultural heritage and suffer the smell of artificial work. In many ways, he says, which has well prepared for researchers and visitors to the museum.
“The odor is very linked to our brain, Amygdala and hypocampus, which is responsible for processing memory and emotions,” says Barbara HuberJENA, Archaochemista, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, German Institute of Geniantropology Institute, did not participate in the new study 2023 Exhibition in smells of mummy In Denmark. “You see very often within this glass (blocking), and the stories of the past are missing.” Thus, the museum’s display methods are usually used, how critical odor is betrayed for the understanding of historical narratives, Huber says, especially “aromatic experience”, such as mumming. “To actually experience cultural heritage, we need to involve all our senses: because the odors and sounds of heritage are inherent” past, Strli & Ccaron; He says.
Can we expect to take a bottle of mummy perfume from the museum shop? The researchers say it may not be in the board. “Everyone would like to smell the ancient Egyptians: sweet, wood and spicy”, “Elnaggar jokes.” What we’d do now is to share our experience with visitors to the museum as well as home! “