Even in the office of the Herksster Cabinet, the stars of reality and drunk white nationalists, Linda McMahon-Divine Choice for the secretary of education.

Linda McMahon, the nominee Donald Trump to the Minister of Education, creates a portrait when she was president and CEO of the World Work Federation, December 12, 1999.
(Jean-Christian Burkart / Communication via Getty Images))
The first major league baseball player, which broke the color line, was Jack Roosevelt Robinson in 1947. The first black man, at a limited, country club, who played in the Masters, was the elder in 1975.
The first victory of the black man in the World Cup was in 1997, when the Birisal Charisma-Mashinka “Rock” Johnson accepted the belt. This would not happen again for another black fighter by 2019, when the title adorned Kofi Kingston’s waist. Then the fans of the fans were broken in eight seconds Germany Inhumane Brock Lesnar and never got the match. This behind -the -scenes decision was widely perceived as humiliating to Kingston and a slap in face fans and black fighters which literally cried With joy when Kofi was crowned
In the world of Sports Entertainment, where the script results, the most common role for black fighters have always been Minsk: Ugandian heads, “practitioners” who kept human skulls, and a black woman named sapphire. (“Sapphire caricature“It is the Ministry of the way since the early 20th century, so none of this was thin.)
Many ink was spilled about the history of racism, sexism, homophobia and WWE’s ability. In these tests, wine in their permanent commercial transaction with marginalized groups was put on the shoulders “boss”: allegedly traffic, rapist and friend Donald Trump Vin McMahon. (Racism in WWE has never been before cameras. According to a recent lawsuit, it flourished Behind the scenes too.)
But Vinc McMachon conveniently obscures the role of former long -standing CEO of the company, who has largely acted –If not always-The-camera, Linda McMahon. In each part of the racist bile, this company had a stamp of approval. She also had allegedly jobs on covering up many allegations of gender violence charged against her husband. (Federal prosecutors quietly dropped the charges Against Vincent on February 14, I am sure it was done in the interest of justice and had nothing to do with Trump’s capture in the Ministry of Justice.)
Today, Linda McMahon, of course, is the nominee of Trump for US education ministers. Even in this office Hucksters, Reality-Show Stars and drunk white nationalists, this is an amazing choice. She knows almost nothing about the policy of basic education, As seen in her confirmed hearingsher sued for covering sexual abuse against a child in WWE. I know it is a cliché, but imagine as a riot Qanon if the Democratic nominee of the Minister of Education (all jobs!) Soiled.
At least the last secretary of Trump’s education, the odious Betsey Devos, had a history of attempts to destroy state education. In other words, it was well broken in this world, even if it was only for its eradication. So, what may be the qualification of McMahana? Perhaps this is her alleged experience of covering a sexual attack that may be required for this administration. But her obvious comfort in culture, which abuses women and children, is not because she holds this position. It is also more than her plans to obey Trump’s orders and, according to her, “From the whole heart“Supporting the Demanding Department of Education – Clearing their critical resources for insufficient students. This is even more than its willingness to perform Trump’s cornerstone and make life a hell for a trance in their schools. The White House could find any heritage fund to do it.
So why Linda McMahon? It seems there are two types of Musk/Trump’s office: there are non -clicking mountains that can humiliate themselves for the taste of power (see Mark Rubio). Then there are real believers who share the fascist perspective of the musk/Trump: all the force of mediocre rich white people who want to deprive this country and the only role for “others”, no matter how much achieved, must be, should be as Minstrels. And these “others” should take this with a smile if they want so much audience with the Orange King. (Just ask “Our tiger“)
Linda McMahon enters the second category. She is 76 years old and wants her legacy to turn the bigotry that made her so obscenely rich in public policy. She is simple when it comes to education. But she knows how to sell racism as a brand and applies this WWE examination before our children will teach.
The first sign was largely ignored when asked if she supported the teaching of black history in schools, and she replied: “I’m not quite sure‘I turned to the teacher and author of a recent book Teach the truth: Fighting for anti -historical education Jesse Khagopin about McMakhan’s comments. He said: “Awakening the possibility of banning black history in the US is a falsification of the struggle, so justice always loses. The purpose of these attacks on education is to create fear and confusion, so that teachers are ashamed to tell the truth about system racism.”
Then last week, her department of education issued a terrible memo, threatening to reduce federal financing of state schools and colleges involved in “Decisions related to race“Saying that” estimates “will start February 28 (so much for local control!) This means that schools may lose federal funding, perhaps for teaching the AFRA -Americans (my son’s favorite class), or there is a club for Latinx students, or Park park coloring in elementary school during a month of black history. McMuon’s memo is the sowing of the fear of teachers and administrators that they can not teach.educational arson“Having burned our rich resistance history to make us inexperienced about the idea that changes are possible and impede our ability to fight.
If the New Testament is right, if -this educational arson will exist among the flames. But so far, when she is trying to go for the land redeemed in our schools and our truths, it can be mutually filled. When Linda McMahon tries to burn our educational communities, she learns Kurt Vonnegut’s words: “I can think of more stirring the symbol of humanity than the fire truck.”
The siren of this fire truck is now upsetting with Linda’s house. On Monday night, star Fil Brooks – known as CM Punk –Went to the ring in the union shirt in Chicago. These were no scripts. Brooks, an institution for itself in its hometown of Chicago, many years of knowledge of people related to CT. To go out into this shirt that day union punch is part of the WWE history – was an act of public opposite. Brooks also have Publicly supported transgender youthOne goal of Machahon attacks on our most vulnerable students.
Phil Brooks are not Joe Hill because the liberal husky in the social media was quickly noted. But in this era, we must accept the imperfect messengers ready to resist this fascist agenda. While many liberals rolled their eyes, given the von WWE, public school teachers in my life were delighted with the fact that the photo of Brooks became viral. They felt seen. And given the popularity of WWE among their students, they were especially delighted with the one who watched. No active American athlete, screaming dijo karringtonIt is still necessary to resist Trump on the game field. Maybe Brooks will become the first of many white athletes who have intensified. “See” in CM Punk deciphered as “Chicago Made”, And last night he sent a message to Linda McMahon that if she goes for Chicago, the battle would be attached.
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