If there was a life of Mars, this strange rock can say
The wonderful chemistry of a rock collected by Sustainability Rover can go to microbial activity

In a Martian rock “leopard places” black can be evidence of chemical reactions that microorganisms may have.
NASA Sustainability Rover It has found possible advice of Mars and Horbar ancient life; One of the strongest signs of Martian life, according to the scientists of the planet. The Course studied Rovers last year, the “dark leopards” microbial activity, the researchers said today at a lecture.
The announcement is loaded. Yes, the places are created by ground microbes. But the stains could be formed without the help of living things, the researchers say, although the chemical and physical processes of Mars would be at work if they were not fully understood.
For now, finds 1 to 7. It continues on a scale, to evaluate the claims of extraterrestrial life: 1 Indicates signs, and 7 is a slam-dunk confirmation. Jim Green, the former Nasa scale developed the scale said to investigators who would like to move additional measurements on the scale to move another notch. To do this, it would require a leopard place to return to the ground. A sample is sitting in the stomach of sustainability, waiting To achieve this goal, the march.
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Regardless of how things are played, the discovery entry is a significant introduction to look for extraterrestrial life – and the ability to evaluate biethance of researchers from other planets.
Lake-side real estate
Current talks, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Texas, were found public presentation of a discovery NASA Press release from JulyHe had few scientific details. The agency comes from experience: decades ago, scientists claimed to find signs of the life of Metian meteorite alh84001, other researchers through geological observations, processes, find ways than processes.
The data currently revealed comes from Jezero Crater, Where was Roverners landed on 2021 to hunt signs of Martian life. Aeons ago Krater had a lake that could have been a lifestyle. Once the rock was formed to the lake in the channel of the old river.
Rock has dark pepper peppers, nicknamed by the “poppy seeds”, and the dark dark blobs with lighter dark centers, Leopard places’ duplicate. The chemical analysis of the instruments of Arrova showed poppy seeds and the whires of leopard places are rich in iron and phosphorus. The center of leopard spots are rich in iron and sulfur, Joel Hurwitz, the Geokimista University of New York, told the conference.
These chemical abraikes suggest that the poppy seeds and leopard places were set up when the ‘organic “compounds reacted with iron and sulfate minerals. Earth, such reactions throw microbials.
Although these reactions could be made without life, if the stone was heated significantly, Hurrewitz and his colleagues do not think that is what this is happening. The rock is very well, which suggests that it is not heated and recrised. If the rock temperature was low, Modeling studies If the proposed places can be easily set up in the process of living organisms, Michael Tice, the University of Texas A & M University station, said in Congress.
Solving the question
It is still unknown whether such reactions can occur without the presence of living things. “We should feel forced to study a lot of laboratories, fields and modeling, try researching more details,” Hurrewitus said lectures. “And, after all, bring these samples to return home, so they could conclude whether or not they were formed or not.”
NASA is a huge pressure to ruin his plans, to bring the samples of sustainability as much as possible on the ground. The first calculations this role sent to $ 11 billion he sent the agency again, but ICould not represent a path so far.
When scientists can achieve sample samples in their laboratories, such as sophisticated studies, such isotopic studies, participated in the formation of microbial places.
This article reproduces with permission and has been First posted On March 12, 2025.