A reliable knot that brings together the threads of the basic human life in America begins to be confused, and suddenly there is an opportunity that the center will not contain.

SPencertown, A.We have February thunderstorms Like the snow we had previously. On the Hudson Valley, where I live, sheets with ice close the roadway and break the salt on the roads – now they are frozen again and buried under the foot of a soft white fluff, which hardens, which makes everything inaccessible.
Staying home is a gambling game. Stay at home – it’s risk to be hit on an isolated peasant house Without power during the day. Everything stops. We worked with this years, moving to the kitchen, where there is a wood cooker, lighting gas lamps and candles that can be read at night, fearing the beginning of the dark day with the necessary coffee and tea without boiling water.
Cleaning something without running water (the presence of only a limited amount of water stored in banks in the house) is a project. The rest of the house freezes. Going out the door of the kitchen to pull the firewood out of the basement, continuing the furnace from the tree, feeding it for an hour at night, it is hard work. Such blackouts come suddenly, and they suddenly end. Meanwhile, every minute there is a tension: you are waiting for it … And at the moment when the light is returned, you will forget it all – you have a luxury to forget it all.
But this returns the reality you live in a country that works, where you expect you to have running water, roads that you need to explode inside and outside, and have the surrounding people who share these basic beliefs. You may be different – but you share the reality you live in a country that works and where you know it’s just a short pause in the cars.
But now we live in a moment and in a country where suddenly people are everywhere – as a large collection of animals, we will say our eyes to the center. Where suddenly there is a possibility that the center does not contain – that a reliable knot that unites all the threads of the basic human life in America begins to be confused and that the country can stop working. The usual basic human needs for food, water and shelter and safety and road systems can no longer be satisfied. What we consider as easily accessible and firm as the earth under our feet may be gone. And everything will die. And people will die.
What is an old proverb? “If he doesn’t break, don’t correct.” Do not play with how things are – you have broken the main system that has developed for years and years, which has been keeping it all together. Don’t mess with the “Exception” switch. How can you play with such a complex mechanism as the US without breaking it?
Storms are a kind of freezing in time. The moments to pause and think about how to allow the wheel Knowing why the imbalance is too high in one place is not an American. No one should have the strength to crush other people’s lives without going to America today.
This is a story about Samson, a story about Shams, the sunwhose locks whose rays are there Shorn Dellyla. confusion.* Without its rays, the sun becomes blind; He can’t shine and see what before. The sun used to be the steering wheel connected with the axis itself in the center of the temple that is in the world. If, after all, the blinded sun cannot move, falls, falls, Drawing the roofKilling everyone.