Rome – FBI accused of North Korean linked hackers one of the biggest theft of the publicly known cryptocorTaking value of $ 1.5 billion based on a company based in Dubai.
Robberies Once a month, bybit, one of the largest crypts in the world, represents a group of hackers identified by the U.S. government.
Hacker steals the crypt of “cryptocial negotiating applications through the dissemination of malware that facilitates the theft of cryptocor,” FBI said.
In an online public service announcement, FBI said that the North Korean hackers were “responsible for theft.
“Actors Traderraitor are fast and some stolen assets have become some of Bitcoin and other virtual assets scattered at thousands of multiple blockchain,” FBI said in his ad. “It is well expected to bleach these assets more and eventually become FIAT currency.”
The North Korean state media do not recognize theft or FBI complaint. Pyongyang has not responded immediately to a request for the associated press comments immediately.
However, North Korea has calculated $ 1.2 million on the cryptocor And other virtual active years in the last five years, depending on the South Korean spy agency. It is a few wrong foreign currency, to protect its fragile economy and financed its nuclear program in the Pandem of Coronavirus and North Korean North Korea.
The NDE experts panel said North Korea was investigating 58 cyberattacks from 2017 to 2023, which was stolen from $ 3 Billion to help developing the mass destruction of the country. “
Ben Zhou, FBI’s announcement reported X social X website to track the stolen crypt and some other exchanges obtained frozen.
Bybit said an Etherum transfer routine, one of the most popular crypties, a “cold” or offline portfolio “manipulated” that Crypto transferred an attacker to an unidentified address. Certik BlockChain Analytics’ has described that it is a “offense” in the history of lockout transactions.
The robbery has seen The general prices of the crypts have fallen in recent days Because of the investors who have hatched Hack, Donald Trump despite the election of the President. Industry Bitcoin sold more than $ 82,000 coins on Thursday, a height of more than $ 100,000 a height ago.