Comedian Ken Flores:
Oxygen tanks found at home
Trying to lose weight, recover before a heart attack
We learn more about the sudden death of a comedian Ken FloresAt the age of 28, he died on Wednesday at the age of 28. He dealt with heart problems and tragically, he was actively trying to heal.
Law enforcement and sources near Flores tell TMZ … Ken has long suffered from heart failure and has been out of hospitals in the last two years.
Ken lose weight lean and was trying to get healthy … But we have been told that he used oxygen tanks at yesterday’s residence.
Pouring blood through the body with the deficiency of corruption cannot preserve the need, and the blood will finally return, as accumulates hands, feet and lungs.
As we had told us, one of Ken’s friends found him at home after he was arrested and called 911, doing CPR on him. He was At the scene is killedA number
No drugs were found, and no rude game is suspected, the sources tell us.
Kenny family shares the news of his death online, asking secrecy. Ken had just started a comedy tour at the beginning of this month.
The Medical Inspection of the Los Angeles region has completed its autopsy and will now wait for the toxicology test to get rid of the cause and shape of Flores.