“Alice” star Linda Good
Died of lung cancer
… after the arrest of a cardio
Legendary TV Sitcom actress Linda Good He has died of lung cancer and other health problems, and he studied TMZ.
TMZ has acquired Linda’s death certificate, which reveals the Alice star that has died after the cardiovascular arrest, which ceases to push the blood into your heart as a reason underlying.
In 2024, Lindka was given a bronchoscopy, a procedure, in which the doctor looks at your airways to treat or diagnose the situation of the lungs. Linda was taught at home in Los Angeles, her husband, Steve Bakuaccording to the document.
When we first reported, Linda died in LA in December. The actress came to Hollywood decades ago, landing her first big role in 1976, as the CBS Show Show Alice Hyatt “Alice is no longer living here.”
The title of sparks later reduced “Alice” as a good image of a good man who supported his son, he continued to become a symbol for all working mothers. For this role, good won the two Golden Globe Awards and was nominated for Emmy.
Lavin also starred in another popular “70 – “Bari Miller” as well as some Neil Simon Broadway plays, in particular, “lasts of the last red lovers” and “Broadway bound”. He was nominated for six tony prizes, but “Broadway is bound.”
Lavin was 87 years old.