“Not only do students fail to catch up, but also that students continue to lag behind,” says one of the authors of the report, Tom Kane of Harvard.
This trend reading line raises important questions about how fast can you expect conditions to see improvement After many laws adopted to improve the literacy instructionsS
The data suggest that it may be too early to expect improvement or that the adoption of a law is easier than the actual improvement of literacy instructions. Or both.
2. 100+ school districts performed above the levels before the pandemic in mathematics and reading
Until no country has returned its math and Results of reading levels before pandemic, the indicators card is able to emphasize at least 100 separate areas who have returned to the form.
In fact, just a quick look at Louisiana data, a country that leads or almost led, in mathematics and reading a recovery, shows some areas, including the Lafayette parish and the Terebon parish, which are three -quarters of a level of assessment – or more – or more – Before their reading levels in 2019
3. The extended gaps in achievement expanded
According to the indicator map, the highest income areas in the country were “almost 4 times more likely to recover” in mathematics and reading than the lowest income areas.
Since the pandemic began, the difference in mathematical results, more special, has grown by 11%.
The difference in the assessment between students in mainly non -mittenations relative to minority areas has also increased by 15%.
Sean Reardon, Director of the Stanford Educational Opportunity Project and co -author of the study, calls these results evidence of “pernicious inequality”.
4. The federal money to relieve prevents greater losses, but As This was spent
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Congress poured $ 190 billion in national schools.
“In the spring of 2021, when the US rescue plan passed, the focus was on opening schools again,” says Kane of Harvard. “And so the areas were only required to spend 20% on academic recovery.“
Many areas prioritize the addition of mental health support for students or upgrading aging facilities, including HVAC. The rock does not claim that these were a bad election, but it is not realistic to expect this type of cost to improve training on the road, say, a teaching program can.
According to the report “Students’ achievements are increasing more in areas that have spent more on academic interventions such as teaching or summer school.”
5. Chronic absences: It is difficult for students to catch up if not in school
“If the pandemic was the earthquake,” says Tom Kane, “we are still dealing with the tsunami of chronic absences, which slows down students’ education.”
Chronic absences defined as missing more than 10% of the school year was already a problem, but Jumped after a pandemic interruption at the public school.
The indicative card includes absentee data for 20 states to the spring of 2024 in these states, while chronic absences continue to fall, more students are still lacking in more school than in 2019.
Research demonstrate a A clear link between the missing school and the more students’ achievement. Not only that, but the absence of a student can influence the achievement of their peers, with teachers being forced to spend more time returning and repeating instructions.
6. The prescription of the indicator card
The rock offers several recipes for teachers, administrators and legislators:
- Without more federal help, countries and schools should focus as much as possible of their own academic recovery funding.
- Community must focus their attention to talking about the importance of the daily attendance of the school. This type of messages should not just be left to the schools.
- Research shows that parents do not always know when their student is fighting, so the indicator encourages teachers to communicate directly with families.
“Parents need to know if their child is below the level of class so that they can register for summer training or ask for a teacher,” says Kane. “If they do not know, they will not ask for help.“
Finally, more research is needed to study the scope of reforms, including these new laws to improve literacy instructions, as well as efforts to ban mobile phones from schools.