Egg prices with bird flu turns and kills chickens across the country, recently US agricultural departments has announced the strategy to deal with kidding. Plans of $ 1 Billion will also help bird farmers, but the backyard regulations will also reduce the pressure in the egg industry. Meanwhile, virus continues to pollute livestock and other animals, including cats and rodents.
Where does people leave pets or patio chickens? American scientific The risk of bird flu talked to experts for managing animals and owners.
What pets have a higher risk for the bird flu?
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H5N1 The circulation tension in many birds is particularly deadly, which will die around two-thirds of these contaminants, Da Jane Sykes, which specializes in infectious diseases in California, cats and small dogs. Dogs can also be infected, but it seems to be very resistant. “If the dog could be as suspicious as cats, we’d see now,” Sykes said.
Eating raw food amplifies the risk of pet because Sykes can say Show meat This is Infected with bird flu or other pathogens. Animals that live in milk farms or also have access to milk free dairy because research has also been risked by the raw milk of contaminated cows Very high levels of virus. Also, cats and dogs living with chickens that have a poultry farm or backyard are exposed to virus.
How do owners keep pets safe?
Keeping the cats inside the house limits the exposure to wild birds and bird feces, which can be carried by the virus. Powering animals can help prevent heated, commercial commercial foods. If you prepare homemade meals for your animal friends, make sure that the meat is cooked to the proper temperature: 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) is recommended for birds, for example.
Experts generally recommend that your pet avoids dead animals, not only birds. Rodents have also positive for H5n1, and while not confirmed, that other animals can be a means of transmission, Sykes said it is possible.
After these steps, pets drops significantly, especially weaker cats, they will be sick. Sykes warned that the cat is relatively infected, but it is a small part of these cases. “I think it represents the tip of the iceberg,” he explained.
What is the risk of excluding the chickens?
Like trading farmhouses, the patio chickens are also vulnerable to bird flu. Several factors contribute to the risk level, says Maurice Pittseky, the University of California Epidemiologist and veterinarian, Davis. Ducks and other birds are important reservoirs of bird flu virus, placed nearer ponds or wetlands nearer, especially if chickens are free. Overall, allowing birds to walk away will increase the risk because it creates a greater opportunity of wild birds. “You can have a spatial overlap between irrigated birds … and among the house species, you risk,” says Pittsk. “We have situations that die with the yard chickens.”
Chicken owners who hunt waterfowl can also endanger their flock if they wear trash. Clothing or shoes could be infected after spending time in wet habitats. US centers for disease control and prevention warns that the tools used to clean the game must be far from housebirds and pet birds, among other things Recommendations for hunters.
How do I know if my animal has a bird flu? And then what do I do?
Very pathogenic Avian frierjenic will often stop making eggs and usually die quickly. Ideally, if a bird dies, a situation should be tested by a veterinary laboratory, Pittseky says. If the laboratory would die as a result of the chicken in the bird flu, the rest of the flock must be rocked.
The cat or dog infection may be more difficult because of the symptoms of bird flu, such as noses or breathing respiratory. The difficult thing even more, the virus can also furious neurological symptoms that resemble rabies; Animals must receive unnumbered rabbits to promise this and to protect against rage. A cat or dog seems sick, take the veterinarian and mention possible H5N1 exposures (such as a final history of drinking raw milk). A cat with respiratory symptoms tend to be sick with something other than bird flu, Sykes says.
What is the risk of humans to get the virus from pet?
In the US, the most human bird-bird flu cases are confirmed from commercial poultry housing. But at least two human hospitalization in the country, due to death, the courtyard has been linked to herds. In both cases, those who had infected were seriously affected by the conditions of the health conditions. There is always the risk of hiring the virus backyard from chicken, but after the appropriate security measures will fall down. Opportunity to achieve Salmonella The yard lifted eggs probably still higher right now, Pittseky says.
The chance of catching birds flu between the animals is quite small. Because pets at home is closeness and the virus covers through body fluids, however, including salt, there is still a risk of transmission, Sykes says.
There is currently no cases of transmission from humans to humans from cats. But the latest recent CDC report H5N1 Infections in two pet cuddles in the dairy houses Some researchers can suggest that humans can send virus to their felines.
As with most infectious diseases, prevention is an important practice. After contacting wild birds soap, such as bird foods. If you have a patio flock, wash your hands after touching chicken or eggs or cleaning the coop. Cleaning outfit and shoes that do not enter the house, Pittsky says. CDC also recommends provide other protective tools, such as N95 or a mask of surgery and mixing glasses. Also, clean the flow that would attract savage birds or wild rodents. Experts also recommend that the pens of animals with fence and closing coopers – not having free rodents and free birds.
Obtaining the flu shot with H5N1 will help reduce the chance of the season’s flu in front of the bird flu. This can cause viruses Mixing genetic material and creating new tensions adapted to humans. “For me, it’s the worst illness of the animals we’ve ever had,” says Pittsk. “And we don’t know how to control at this point.”