Like The United States and Russia begin negotiations to end the warMoscow, one of the largest regions of Ukraine, connects to Dnepropetrovsk, presses its advantage in the fighting area. Russian troops are now less than three miles from the border of the region and are moving forward in recent days.
If the Russian army passes to Dnepropetrovsk from the East Donetsk region, will hit the mood in Ukraine – to meet the fifth region with partially Russian occupation and expand the control of Moscow’s war-torn country. During the peace talks, it can make Kiev’s position difficult.
Russia’s progress has already changed the view of the Dnepropetrovsk border area, which is a quiet expansion of rolling areas and small villages. Now the trenches and tank trenches cross the caravans of armored vehicles. Tanks are hiding in wood lines. In the villages closest to the front, the soldiers took the buildings damaged by bombing or leaving local residents.
On the backpack of Ukraine, the 33rd mechanized brigade can be seen in the relocation of the medical aid in the west of the medical care of wounded soldiers. At the end of last year, along with them, medical beds and blood jars were taken back three months in three months.
The medics have never thought that Donetsk will completely leave an area where their units fought for a year and to withdraw to Dnepropetrovsk West border.
This was the reality earlier this year. Now Moscow’s troops will soon follow medical medics.
“It’s always happening in this way,” he said. “When medical units began to cross into an area, the front line was not far behind.” He spoke at the new aid station near the front line of injured soldiers.
Outside of the aid station, the exit artillery has echoed the night noise of the fire. “It only says the war is approaching,” he said, a 34-year-old Voitiuk.
They are also civilians to fight. Some evacuated, including those who fleeing the war in the East and not want to be re-violent – others are plans to move.
“I felt terrible when we read the desire to evacuate people from Dnepropetrovsk.” “But this was the call to wake up about the reality of the struggle.”
An area of more than three million people with large steel mills of Russia, the Dnepropetrovsk side is making six months of progress in Donetsk. Since August, the troops caught an average of 180 square miles of 180 square miles of 180 square miles about four times in San Francisco, According to the Black Bird GroupFinland-based research company. Most of these gains were in Donetsk.
In recent weeks, Russia slowed his adventure. A Vienna-based military specialist Franz-Stefan Gady, who recently returned from a research visit to the east of Ukraine, was slowly put in the evil air, which prevents Russian mechanized attacks and air attacks. He also noted Ukraine’s effective use of drones Crunch and shoot armored vehicles.
“But the drones cannot catch the area,” he said. Speaking of a small wooden house in the border area, he watched living warfare in the body, he said: Clean the way to cleanse the village safety control and the Ukrainian pedestrian pathway.
Colonel Balyuk said that the section clears two settlements of Russian forces that can be used to support the Dnepropetrovsk side. But there was no imaginary for the fight for the fight. “The enemy is now only reset,” he said.
Soldiers returning from the Front of Donetsk remain unchanged in Ukraine’s largest battleground: an enemy The best thing to do Allows ruthless attacks.
A 35-year-old pedestrian with a shaking, Dmytro was evacuated to the aid point of the 33rd mechanized brigade of the last night. He fiercely described a four-hour trench war that could not raise his head above the parapet to attack Russian troops. He said: “It can say that in small groups, methodically connected.
“All soldiers in the trench part were evacuated,” he said.
One of the most obvious indicators of the approaching war is a blue and yellow roadside sign, which marks Donetrovsk entrance from Dnepropetrovsk. The war for more than three years, the site has become a symbol of Ukraine’s resistance, and putting the soldiers’ battle signature and the flags of Ukraine. However, now 12 miles of the front line, the sign was put in a large network to protect him from Drone holidays.
In Mezhova, a small town in Dnipropetrovsk in Dnipropetrovsk on the way to Russia’s progress, many civilians and massive civilians and wake-green buyers are repeatedly on the streets.
The new reality is aggravated by refugees in the war before the Donetsk region and the refugees located in the nearby settlements. In the last three years, the population increased between 14,000 and 21,000.
“We thought this place was safe so long,” he said. “I have plans – buy a house, find a job, send my child to school.”
Now, 33, 33 plans to get away from farther away. He knows that the city does not expect to be shot in a regular bombard. “Previously passed this,” said tears of tears.
Every day, Mr. Zrazhevsky points out by a map of battles with circles in which the cities in the bomb among the progress of Russian forces. Now Mezhova is safe. “But we understand that if it is, and this will be at a certain point – it is necessary to take acute measures,” he said, maybe forced evacuation.
The group that helped refugees shows lists from the East SOS, some Mezhova residents have already begun to evacuate. A city in Pavlohrad, a city established by a city in Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk-Donetsk refugees evacuated from the city and villages.
All were fine-eyed, and in some of the weeks in some of the weeks away from weeks away from weeks. Among them, in solid wool scarves, children and parents in Puffer coats, the children in tears, indefinite the future of the future.
Some in Ukraine believe that the Trump administration can push the peace talks, stopped the Russian adventure and freeze the front line. Mr. Zrazhevsky, Mehovova’s mayor, which means the “border line” in Ukraine – faced the hope of evacuation of the ceasefire and instead of the new “Eastern Ukrainian capital.”
The recent 52222, 52, which Komar, who was in a village in Donetsk, hit another oven after destroying a landslide bomb. Although the Russians did not seize a commander, he said, “Can I come back? There was no house left.”