Cu Laters to C-Word Haters !!!
Drops of a bold clothing line
Gen-Z is here, it preaches empowerment … But one Tiktoker leads it to the next level, trying to break the taboo in a word that is traditionally taboo.
Kayla Malecc:With huge 13.8 m Tiktok, he gathers with Spencer to start a collection of C-Word.
Indeed, his collection has received teenagers, hats and hats that bold the word “C ***”, plus “Where son, ho”, “spin”.
Keyla’s followers know the dug. The line is all about his signature, not to be considered a vibe, and he treats them like crazy … not to bend everyone.
Leaves line online tomorrow and in the republic in stores on February 18
So pouring it … Are you ready to follow suit and give C-Word a whole new glow? Give us your thoughts below.