A Missouri man who waved a Nazi flag after a 2023 attack on the White House was sentenced Thursday to eight years in federal prison.
Sai Varsith Kandula St. He traveled from Louis, Missouri to Washington on May 22, 2023.
Four hours after arriving, Kandula — then 19 — crashed his rented U-Haul truck into the fences protecting the White House.

Sai Varshith Kandula, 20, St. Louis, Missouri, attempted an attack on the White House with a rented truck on May 22, 2023.
As he exited the vehicle, he pulled a flag with a swastika from his backpack and placed it on the ground before being arrested.
In interviews with law enforcement, Kandula stated that his intention was to overthrow the government and replace it with a dictatorship similar to Nazi Germany.
He also admitted that he would have arranged the assassination of President Joe Biden if it had helped him achieve his goal.

Sai Varshith Kandula, 20, of St. Louis, Missouri, was sentenced on January 16, 2025 to 96 months in federal prison for an attempted attack on the White House on May 22, 2023. overthrowing the government to replace it with a dictatorship that conforms to Nazi ideology.
“While one may look at his attack and realize that his sophisticated methods were unlikely to fit within the security measures in place by the Secret Service, recent events surrounding the attempted assassination of former President Trump serve only to remind us that individuals with such destructive intent are capable of causing serious damage to the American political system,” they wrote. prosecutors in the statement about the punishment against Kandula.
“Even young people who, at first glance, seem to lack the means to successfully carry out a high-profile attack on American democracy, can succeed,” they wrote, “despite the many layers of security the US government uses to protect government officials.”