John Bavaro Beautiful Arts / Science Photography Library
The vast majority of the history of our planet was not human. Today, there are more than eight trillion. Logically, then, there was a moment to be Homo sapiens They became different species. However, amazing is an amazing moment. The problem, once, is not the lack of fossils. Instead, the disagreement creates the disagreement when the origin of humanity must be marked.
We often represent human evolutionary family as a great version of a personal tree, in fact, we tend to talk about parenting, daughter and sister species. In this picture, our parents’ species is equivalent to our biological parents and birth H. Sapiens It becomes an event that is as simple as defining as our birth. But the spice is not really like that.
With evidence to do this, look at last year than a study published online. Trevor Cousins and his colleagues suggest our University of Cambridge supposed parent species, Homo Protectionsplit away from parents, Man HeidelbergensisMore than a million years ago. About 600,000 years ago, H. Need He gave two branches: one brought Neanderthals and Usovans – another Hominine type – the other H. Sapiens. Then it comes naughty. Evolutionary of our grandparents, H. Heidelbergensispaste around to see birth H. Sapiens Tribe – and about 300,000 years ago, interbred in two great ways. In fact, the researcher model indicates this 20% of our ancestors come from this interbelie. …