While America was busy ransom and quarterly income, China has been spent decades, creating an integrated system that linked research, production and innovation.

Another day, another call for awakening. This time this Deepseek – Chinese breakthrough II match the best silicone valley Spending only $ 5.6 million compared to tens of billions of meta. Last week, General Saltzman, Head of US Space Space Operations, warned Congress about China “Unexpected“Military progress. China has already seized the world’s world markets and dominated by the production of solar panels. Test in Beijing in 2021 literally in 2021 Sprinkled the globe Before hitting on your goal, leaving the US military stunned. Whenever the leaders of America – both in the governments and in the industry, depend on the same bewildered surprise, as if China’s achievements were some space accidents.
But these are not striking. They are inevitable the results of the system that determines the priorities for national purposes, coordinate resources and reward results. It is also a system for the first time in America, which helps us build everything: from the transcontinental railway to the Guver Platinum, the interstate highway system and rural electrification that nourishes the nation. We gave up this system and China accepted it. They planned and invested, while the United States was adhered to a failed ideology: the belief that the free markets left on their own devices would save us.
This worship markets did not get out of nowhere. It began with Friedrich von Hayek, his student Miltan Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics, which sold America in seductive history: this government planning was ineffective that regulating the innovation that the free market would solve everything. They, together with Ronald Reagan, convinced America that the government is a problem, not a solution. Their vision of markets as final solvents spread through Washington and bought the administrations by the 1980s. In Reagan via Clinton, Bush, Obama and so, even Trump, our leaders doubled from the idea that the idea is that in reality, what, according to what is twice as double twice, twice, what is twice, what is twice, what is twice, twice, that twice, what our leaders doubled, what. Deregulation, privatization and globalization will lead to prosperity.
We inherited a nation built by generations of blood, sweat and tears, then decided to disassemble it for short -term profit. For some reason, we thought the wealth would be flowing forever. America’s leaders did not understand how our wealth was built, so they did not respect what it took. Here’s what Friedman and his followers sold – a fantasy we no longer needed to do hard work because the markets would take care of it all.
And what gave us 50 -year -old services in the market? Extended industrial base, highlighted with the middle class and an economy that cannot compete. We outsourcing production, neglected their ability to produce and left ourselves dependent on the fragile supply chains. The markets will not save us – they put us dry. Of course, a few people got rich. But what is the cost of our nation?
Look at the market reaction only this week: Nvidia’s promotion is 15 percentDestroying hundreds of billions of cost, while NASDAQ technological decreased by 3.5 percent. Why? Because Deepseek has shown that it could match the American capabilities of the AI, without relying on our expensive chips and great computing resources. As one of the market strategists said, it was a “big slap” for investors.
Chinese growth is not only in technology; It is about construction for the purpose. Chinese automakers already produce 62 percent World EV and Control 77 percent EV battery production. And they are just beginning to work – analysts predict that by 2030 they will make a third of all cars worldwide. It happened no accident. China’s exports amounted to 851 percent in just three years, from 2020 to 2023. The same story is played out in the infrastructure: over the past 20 years, China has built Tens of thousands of miles of high -speed railway, while California cannot complete a single 500 mile line. While America was busy ransom and quarterly income, China has been spent decades, creating an integrated system that linked research, production and innovation.
How are we still shocked? China uses the same tools that first built America: investments under the leadership of the state industry and actually plan the future. What is shocking, not what China has achieved – it’s like little we have done to keep up.
This is not a guerrilla issue. Donald Trump’s companies rightly noted the pain caused by a decrease in America: loss of production jobs, poor trading transaction and devastation of globalism. It is absolutely correct in these points. But neither Trump nor his advisers understand the root causes. Their decision is to double the same ideology of the free market that has received us here. Trump suggests that reducing the rules and trust corporations to “do the right”, it is somehow restoring America. But this fantasy has ruled every administration since the 1970s – and it was a disaster.
Markets are not designed to solve national problems. They are designed to maximize profits. Left without control, they prefer short -term profits over long -term stability. That is why our companies spend more on ransom for stock than NDDK. That’s why our health care system is worth almost 5 trillion dollars per year By giving worse results than in many developed countries. That is why our infrastructure projects often cost several times more than a mile than comparable projects in China.
America was not built while waiting for the markets to fix everything. Transcontinental railway, rural electrification, arsenal of democracy, Apollo program – these miracles were not miracles of an invisible hand. They were the result of collective actions that were guided by a clear national purpose.
The Chinese understand this. They took our old book and made it their own. While we dismantled our ability, they built their own. They have linked innovation with production, creating systems where engineers, manufacturers and thinkers work together to solve real -time problems. That is why they surpass us – not because they steal ideas, but because they have accepted the instruments we refused.
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If we want to compete, we need to stop the expectation of markets to save us. We need a national strategy to restore our industrial base, invest in important industries, and link government costs to measuring results. Both government and corporations must be responsible for delivery. Most importantly, we need to reject the myth that only the markets will lead to well -being.
The Deepseek-Breakthrough is one call but it doesn’t have to be the last. In America, there are still resources, talent and history. What we lack is the will to act. Leadership does not mean to wait if someone else will fix the problem. This means doing what it built in America first and foremost: rolling our sleeves, working together and again creating things.
The real question is simple: will we finally wake up and act? Or will we just continue to stand, shocked and surprised, waiting for the next blow on the ground?
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