Pherc.172 Scroll reveals X-ray images
Vesuvius Challenge
An ancient Roman scroll has been read for the first time Vesuvius entered the volcano eruption of Mount Mount Mount Mount, thanks to artificial intelligence and ray ray facility.
Papyrus scroll was 1800. It was a single room in a vertate, in the Roman city of Roman Herculanean, in the 1750s, is now an Italian Ercolano. All of these were carbonized with the heat of volcanic waste.
Initially, the locals smoked without discovering as a wood, but once they found they received the text, they were saved. Since 200 cars loaded and read mechanical devices based on watches, slowly mark and scroll millimeters open through millimeters.
Three of these scrolls are stored in the Library of Oxford University after Giving George IV after the future. The Prince of Wales negotiated a kangaroo troops in exchange for the Scrolling of the King of the King of Naples Iv.a Iv.a. (The Neapolitan king was building a worked garden and an animal collection for his lover.)
One of three scrolls, known as the Pherc. 172, now it is represented and analyzed using machine learning algorithms. The Diamond Light fountain was scanned in Oxfordshire, the X-ray machine known as the synchrotron name, and the data obtained was made available to participants Vesuvius Challenge – Competition with a 700,000 reward for interpreting text from scrolls.
This method is much better than trying to mechanically open the scrolls, says Peter TothCommissioner at the Bodley Library. “The only problem, or danger, the image is so special, that it cannot be done here, which means that the scroll should leave the premises. And we were very nervous,” he noted.
Researchers have revealed several text columns so far, with about 26 lines in each column. The academics expect to read the whole scroll, but it already means the old Greek word διατροήή, “disgust”. Toth believes that it will sometimes relate to philosopher EpicurusAs many more scrolls found in the same site.
Pherc. The only three scrolls from the Bodle Library was stable enough to travel and then in a particularly filled box in another 3D print case. “It is hopeful that the technologies have so much improvement (in the future) that items should not travel anywhere, but technology can come to us,” says Toth.