President Donald Trump continued to defend his controversial Indules of incidents of 6 January across a Fox News ConversationMost say they were “completely innocent”, despite being convicted.
Trump said Sean Hannity Fox News presenter in a Wednesday night involved in the US capitality attack on Trumpen Attack with 1,500 people who made it for 1,500 people “for many reasons”.
“They were treated as the worst evils in history. And you know what were they for?
Hannity invaded the capital after anyone could say, Trump replied: “Most people were completely innocent.”
On Thursday afternoon, in response to the questions of journalists in the oval office, he asked him to gather with those who forgave Trump, including the White House.
“I don’t know. I’m sure they’d probably like,” he replied. “I would definitely be open,” he added.
More than 250 people were judged for the roles in the attack.
Brian Sicknick’s official police police officer died after suffering numerous incidents after throwing peppers and pitched. The Medical Court of Washington DC decided to die for natural reasons, but the experience of 6 January said he had a look at his situation.
The four officers who have responded to the capitol attack since its suicide have since then told the researchers.
There were 140 police police injured around the captain, and was one of the most violent days of enforcing the Law of the U.S. U.S., according to researchers. Videos of destruction and attacks, where the incidents used weapons, such as bats, hockey sticks, bear-sprays and a stunning guns were documented through thousands of hours of video and police via the body camera through publicly expanded images.
Trump, however, told the “Hannity” to the police attacks that were “very small disturbances”.
“This was a political fraud. And you know what? That people, and I don’t say in all cases, there was a lot of patriotism,” he said.
It also said that it would be “very heavy” to separate those who were punished for the violent attacks on the police.
Trumpen Indules arrived under fire Of the police trade unions, prosecutors and some Hill Republicans, Mitch McConnell republican Senators Republican, who disapproved against police attacks.
Trump also suggested that the former president Joe Biden had to forgive himself as he did with his family members and Parliamentary.
“This man gave apology to everyone. And you know, a fun thing, maybe sad,” said Trump could do it without reporting crimes.
The president added that he would leave the Congress to decide whether these leaders must be investigated.