Because we are supporting the potentially brutal four years, it is important that we clearly understand the true struggle in which we participate. The fact is that in this one country there were always two different, hostile and fighting in this one country; The current real and existential threat to our democracy is the growth of centuries-old struggle for who belongs to America and who is not. Trying to this reality and redirecting our energy, effort and resources, respectively, we can better resist Trump’s attacks, make significant progress in the development of greater justice and equality in many parts of the country, as well as lay the basis for overcoming electricity in the federal level in 2026 and 2028 years .
It is possible to confuse what is a real nation, because we live in a world where the world’s population is regularly organized and reorganized, often rigid to fit within the border. The complexity is emphasized by the fact that there are also 574 Native American “peoples” in the current boundaries.
It is noteworthy that the definition of the nation is not easy, or even in the first place, the question of boundaries. The US borders changed several times, including in the 1840s, when the country went to war with Mexico in support of white colonizers in the region that wanted to continue to enslave black people. Following this bloody war joined 55 percent of the MEEXIC PERSON MASE and created the current southwest of this country (causing the call of a phrase preferred by many Mexican Americans – “We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us”).
Alaska is perhaps the most clear illustration that geographical proximity is not a defining characteristic of the nation. The state is located 500 miles from the northern border of the Continental US. And although the only country geographically directly to Alaska, it is Canada, the region is still sending two senators and one representative to Washington, the Colombia district to serve in the United States Congress. In addition, Donald Trump’s latest nonsense about Greenland’s annexation further confirms the reality that the borders do not determine the nation.
So exactly what or A nation? For the first, although often used interchangeable, this is not necessarily the same as the country.
Voice of America Describes the “country” as an organized political unit with territory, sovereignty and governing body. For its part, the “nation” is defined by scientists and described by the analytical center Global Policy Forum This is “a great group of people with strong identity connections”. This common identity “is usually based on a common culture, religion, history, language or ethnicity.” Sometimes you see scattered people associated with the common identity organically using phrases in contexts such as popular culture (eg, Cornell Richardson Professor, teaches a class called “Beyoncé Nation: Remix course”).
The overall identity based on the overall culture, religion and ethnicity was a constant reality in the country whose The first naturalization law adopted in 1790, Limited citizenship “free white person”.
Civil war
The clear manifestation of one country cleavage into two countries took place in 1861, when the leaders of the state polling stations refused to accept the results of the presidential election, in which the candidate was supported by black people – Abraham Lincoln. Legislative bodies in 11 states have officially voted in the rapid continuity to leave the United States and create its own nation, the States of the Confederation of America. Each nation has elected leaders, convened the governing bodies, collected taxes and brought young people to service in appropriate militants.

The civil war also provided clear articulation of values, visions and priorities that distinguished the relevant countries. Lincoln described the United States eloquently on his famous Hettisburg. The introductory lines of this speech 272 words remain relevant and instructive to this day:
Four numbers and seven years ago, our parents brought to this continent a new nation, conceived in freedom, and is devoted to the belief that all men are created equal. Now we participate in the Great Civil War, testing whether this nation or any nation, such a conceived and so devoted, can survive for a long time.
For their part, the Confederates did not dispute what it was about. In its declaration on the separation of the South Carolina-first state, which separated, I was unmistakably, the reason for the conflict was “an increase in hostility from non-criming states to the Institute of Slavery.” Three months later Vice -President of the Confederation Alexander Stevens took the point home in his famous Speech of the cornerstoneObviously, saying that “the basics of the confederation government is laid, its cornerstone rests on the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; it is the slavery of the subordinate to the highest race is its natural and normal state.”
Today, 38 percent of the country’s population lives in the states who went to war in the 1860s and killed tens of thousands in defense of the belief that “the Negro is not equal to a white man.” Thus, although the most common – and comfortable – responds to racism and atrocities of the Civil War, it was “it was a long time ago, the main uncomfortable truth is that the main struggle that caused the conflict 163 years ago was preserved until the present day.
Civil War never ended
The determination to attract the confederate, which stretched out of the attempt on Lincoln 1865. White Verkhovnik just five days after the Confederates allegedly gave up on appomattox, and up through Trump’s pardon on January 6, 2021, which included the flag of the Confederation stormed US Capitol, dressed in The hoodies, decorated with the words “possible civil war”.
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During Trump’s life, the political and financial power adjacent to the confederation of the population is steadily increasing. In 1948, two years after the birth of Trump, coalition of white southerners proudly announced“We advocate the racing,” formed the Dixiecrat party and set a third application for president, which has succeeded in most votes in four states. Twenty years later, in 1968, the Governor of the segregation, Alabama George Wallace, took a white rider and launched his own application for the presidential language, replenishing the votes of Dixiecrat and winning five states. Writer Alabama John Anderson emphasized the reality “A marvelous appeal to millions of alienated white voters was not lost on Richard Nixon and other republican strategists.”
With all the energy, spent on the search for non -voting explanations, the fact that in every election after Democratic President Lindon Johnson signed the voting law in 1965, most white voters moved to the Republicans. Everyone. Lonely. Elections. For 60 years. This is how the residents of the nation are a group of people who share the common identity – behaving.
The main failure of Democrats and progressives over the last four years has become an inability to understand the significant difference of what is happening in this country. We still still “participate in the Great Civil War, test, whether this nation, or any nation, is so designed and so devoted, can last for a long time”, but too much on the democratic and progressive side are afraid to participate in this battle. Instead of withstanding and exposing Trump’s racism, invariably standing for the types of calls for justice and equality that were widespread in weeks after George Floida’s murder in 2020, too many democratic messages are fighting for equality , attracted to the people of the Nativist and separate leadership of Trump.
Survival during this period and passage to power requires expanding strategies, plans and action that will strengthen and maximize full power and potential our Nation. By looking at this lens, we will see that we are more powerful than felt at the moment. To accept only one example, in Houston, Texas, and its surrounding Harris, most voters (52 percent) to the Democrats in 2024. The Harris county population is greater than in 15 states. And if you take into account the fact that nearly 90 million people have not voted, the potential of electricity strengthening is significant.
Double down on strengthening people and places in our The nation is the one, dedicated to the proposal of equality – the best way to navigate uncertainty and chaos, which causes Trump’s administration, continuing the path to justice. The best understanding of the exact composition of our nation and the capabilities that are still existing to create power and progress will be the subject of the second part of this two -part series.
More than Nation

This time Trump is all, and his only mission is to abolish the basic canons of constitutional self-government.

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