Preferring to defend spying agencies and lining up Hokish’s consensus, a two -party elite ignores the bewildered Islamophobia of the director of national intelligence.

Donald Trump’s presidential nominee nominees were with a high level of difficulty with the figures described as “contradictory” and “polarization” -a of who can more accurately characterize as strange swords and misfortune: Matt Getz, Pete Heagset, Robert F. Kennedy, Kashnya, Kashie Patent, frying, porridge, and Tulsi Gabard. This group is alikely accused of allegedly The statutory rape (Gaetz), rape (Hegseth), Anti -Policy and Politics and Sexual violence (Kennedy), and authoritarian aspirations (Patel). Getz was the only one of these controversial nominees that are forcing them to get out. Hegset won a narrow confirmation. But even among this list of amazing balls with pushed personal stories and authoritarian goals, Tulsi Gabard is a nominee Trump to become a director of national intelligence (DNI) – exhibiting, because what makes it amazing is her wild ideological shifts.
Former Governor Hawaii Neil Abekromb, disappointed a former supporter, characterizes Gabard as a “form”. Aberkrambi, a democrat, cited in New York Times profile This is recorded by the wild dance of Gabard across the political spectrum. She was born in the science of the identity described by New York Term As “the secret branch of the Movement, the hare Krishna strongly opposes same -sex relationship and abortion and is deeply suspicious of Islam.” Although she now says she is not related to identity science and is simply identified as Hindu, movement contributed to her support throughout her career. In particular, when she was first elected in Hawaii in 2002, she shared the science of abortion and equality of marriage. Later, when she ran to Congress as a Democrat, she gave up on these positions, though there was Stayed in the unwavering in her IslamophobiaOne of the few consistent commitments in her changing political career.
In 2003, she was in nationalist enthusiasm before George W. Bush’s war and joined the military. But after testifying that in Iraq she turned against what he calls the “war change regime”. Elected in Congress in 2010, she had a biographical profile – a military veteran, a woman, a racial minority and a distortion, gently conservative on social issues, made her attractive to create the party. It was maintained to be a rising star, but burned bridges with the institution, supporting Bernie Sanders in 2016. When Trump won in 2016, she was actively visited by the leaders as Steve Banana, who rightly saw her dissatisfaction with the main Democrats, as the Democrats, as well as the Democrats, as well as the Democrats, as well as the Democrats, as the Democrats, as And Democrats, like Democrats. A sign that it can become a potential recruiter. In 2016, she met with a victorious Trump tower when he was elected president.
The combination of Gabardo in foreign policy preferences – a deep disgust regime changes the wars and efforts to build democracy, unwavering support for Israel, the desire to deepen America’s connection with Hindu nationalism in India – aligned with the first foreign policy of America Trump and Banana.
Like the movement, Gabard is xenophobic, but also cautious about military interventions associated with the bots on the ground. This heteroradox foreign policy also led to its issue of support for Ukraine in America – both before and after the invasion of Russia – and praise Edward Snowden, who traced the treasures of the secrets of the National Security Agency in 2013, as an official who deserves pardon. These last two positions are the main source of disgust for the national security Gabard. How Term Notes: “Her nomination is disturbed by the staff of the national security of the two sides, and Mr. Trump privately told the allies that her is a confirmation of the cabinet that he is most concerned.”
Given the checkered political career of the Gabard, there is a reason for people throughout the political spectrum, ranging from traditional conservative Republicans to the Left to withstand its nomination. Its one of the Maga ideologues can be one of the support bases of foreign policy – in particular, the former leading Fox News Tucker Carlson. But it is unclear whether the Republican factions have enough in the Senate to successfully protect it from the attacks of the foreign political elite.
At the hearing of the nominations that took place on Thursday, the Democrats in the Senate took a step – politically insightful, but disappointing in politics – to lose the foreign policy of Gabard, especially its former Snowden’s defense, which she only partially refused. In terms of the Senate dynamics, this step makes sense. Republicans occupy most 53 seats in the Senate. In order to defeat the Trump nominee, the Democrats need to turn over the four Republicans, otherwise that GOP will have 50 votes plus Vice -President JD Vance as a switch.
Mathematical logic means that in order to defeat Gabard, the Democrats needed to take a step that appeals to the Republicans. But outside mathematics, there is a broader political fact that, in response to Trump, the Democrats’ institution preferred to build a centrist coalition, pressing the national security consensus. The leaders of the Democratic Party are deeply subjected to the policy of the restoration of Ancien Régime – it means that when they challenge the trump on foreign policy, it is for its heteroodium, which offends the creation of national security (in particular, wanting to address with Russia and doubt the honesty and competence).
In the past in Gabard there is boasted Snowden as a “brave” offender who deserved a pardon. She now stopped at this, saying that he “violated the law” and that she would not be the head of the pardon support day. Both Republicans and Democrats struck on this issue when Democrat Colorado Michael Bennett is: “This is when you need to answer the questions of the people whose votes you ask to be confirmed by the chief intelligence director of this nation. Is Edward Snowden a traitor to The United States is not difficult to answer when the rates are so high. “
Gabard still refused to describe Snowden as a traitor who had confiscated the Democrats as a means of discrediting it. On X, previously Twitter, bennet published“Four times, Tolsey Gabard was asked if Edward Snowden was a traitor for the US liberation and four times she refused to respond to the Democrats or Republicans. Everyone who refuses to mark the US traitor as a traitor is completely unqualified to head our intelligence community.”
The fact that Bennett even refused to believe was the possibility that, far from the traitor, Snowden was a patriotic offender who made the public a great service, revealing the real abuse of the government – some of which were subsequently sent to Congress.
Bennett and other Democrats played in their old Republican Foreign Rights. Although this can be considered as a reasonable policy in the central circles – and may well be immersed in the nomination of Gabardo – it is doubtful whether the public as a whole implicit enthusiasm for the national security and special services. Trump twice won the presidency Voice of anti -system furiousBoth with the national security consensus and the special services among the main goals. Conversely, the Democrats lost Trump twice, criticizing it as a devastating force on foreign policy, while taking such unchanged militarism as Henry Kissinger (evaded from Hilary Clinton in 2016) and wilder (marked Kamala Harris in 2024). Such a strategy to be a hazardous Prosystem Party tore the democratic party and alienated the key parts of the party.
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What is the desired spectacle is that there are many legitimate reasons to challenge Gabard’s nomination – but the meager interest in the Senate in raising these issues. As a journalist Mehdi Hassan noted“It is sad that the Democrats – set a blow to Gabard for its Islamophobia and the support of Genocide in the gas and support of Assad and its alleged membership in a strange cult – obsessed with the fact that it is right: Edward Snowden.”
If the gabard is broken, there will be little reasons for regret. It deserves to go down but targeted for the wrong reasons. The real tragedy is that the Democratic Elite remains committed to a foreign debate as narrow as possible, looking forward to as guards, more and more related to touch and discredited national security institutions.