I like that my undergraduate degrees predispose organisms, including people, changing their energy among different goals. When we become a parent, hormones help redirect energy Matching parents. That said, most male mammals Don’t get involved in parentsBut there are some important exceptions.
For humans, we know that women have important hormonal changes pregnancy and while Breastfeeding Those who help them associate with their babies. But what men? There have been many societies throughout human cultures and in history, usually men usually do not have little or no involvement or child care, sometimes sometimes ours. This means that Kindergarten is not natural for men? Aren’t we equipped?
Gay father, the father who take the main dad and the main role of caring, otherwise they tell us. And new research shows that men are similar, so notable, women who can prepare women who occur hormonal changes. I get into detail in my book Father Nature: Science of Penalty Potential. The potential of men’s care is an ancient ability to evolve through natural selection. We can clearly do that. We just have to click.
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The birds offer us a lot of good views of your parents: most men’s birds feed and protect their young people, making it an excellent model for the study of father’s biology. In the period of reproduction, birds have high testosterone levels, and fight other men to secure territories that will attract female friends. But then, after the eggs come out, they change as parents; They stop corruption and start to take care of their young. As they do this, the testosterone level is dropped. Testosterone is key: scientists became parents when men implanted men Additional testosteroneOnce again, they began to act as they were in a tie, expanding their territory aggressively and giving him less time to feed the chicks. This and other evidence suggests testosterone to invest men More energy in Making and less parents.
Do testosterone do the same in people? Well, research shows that Testosterone rises In young heterosexual men, when they talk to young women related. And we know the men who inform More sexual partners in life Testosterone levels that inform less partners tend to be higher. In addition, a study was young men with higher testosterone levels is likely to be a father partner In the following four years, suggesting that they had achieved greater success. All this is consistent with the idea that testosterone promotes efforts in men’s men.
And as in male birds, testosterone levels decrease when men are involved in their parents. While we like the idea of experimenting with new fathers, experimenting with the extra testosterone, to find out if the parent is worse, there is a revealing connection between testosterone and parents. For example, among the new fathers, those with lower testosterone levels give more attention to the child, to make it more sensitive to the child, they indicate more sympathy Crying babyand more involved Kindergarten day.
We still don’t know what these testosterone changes causes, but it seems to be more pronounced in men More parental engagement. Men’s hormones allow men that spend more time from the child who could respond to the child. Or it may be that testosterone decreases first in the transition to his father, reflecting the psychological preparation of man by reflecting the psychological preparation of parents and announcing its future commitment.
If testosterone interferes with some aspects of parent care, it seems that the hormone does oxytocin. We tend to think of oxytocin as a mother’s hormone and for good reason. Participates in childbirth and breastfeeding and makes it easier Mother-child bond. But now Oxitokina is also involved in the bonds of father’s children. Although the number of research is limited, some studies find parents of young children Levels higher oxytocin than those who are not men Father. Among the fathers, with men More oxytocin It goes physically in their blood Stimulating more babiesFor example, ignoring, moving in space or returning to the knee.
Better evidence to improve oxytocin effects in father behavior comes from experiments that scientists offer extra oxytocin through the noseSo they can get their brains and how it affects parents. Intranasal oxitocinas makes more fathers to touch their babies, bring the child’s facial expressions and voices to join and access them Sensitive and challenging game. At the same time, oxytokine also helps connect with a partner. After receiving the intranasal oxytocin, men find their partner more attractiveAnd the couple exhibition Better verbal and non-word communication When discussing difficult issues. Highlight, experiment, men treated with oxytozine Keep more distance Among the attractive women and women, but only if the men joined. The interpretation offered is protected from outside oxytokine men who can catch men.
Obviously oxytokine must act in the brain to influence paternity behavior. And like birds and testosterone, Mandarin Voles, one of the few mammals that help men grow children, offer some tips on what happened in humans. When men become men’s parents, the brain really changes, preparing for their new mission optimistic. The brain brain cells throw more receptors called oxytocin called the medial area, increasing the sensitivity of hormone. This activates a dopamine center that rewards young fathers. We think something similar is happening in men. Children’s charm reaches our brains and we want to activate, reward and care for this system.
We know that babies with mild and care Make better long term. However, our cultures tend to do as a caretaker. Science tells us that men are biologically prepared to be a parent. So embrace. You are natural.
This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views indicated by the author or authors are not necessarily American scientific.