Kanye West
We beat “Grhams” !!!

Kanye West He didn’t even put his foot inside the building, but the small fact that the little fact was not on his way to announcing the winning an exhibition.
A recording studio you dragged in Los Angeles on Tuesday Bianca censori Next to him, and they greeted them a ton of paparizer …
When he repeated the question, Kanye answered … “We beat” Grem. “
Kanye was a guest invited in Gram, but he did not actually entered the cryptographic ACC Assembly in the center of Los Angeles, a manifestation of the interviews and a red carpet, who. were wearing through clothingA number

You have also answered some questions about the controversial view of the Bianna, on the way to the studio … Although he was quite covered here and is like a nun than his standards.
Check the video … Classic Kanye.