They were on the movement of three historical turf, only a subtle crucifixion by Philadelphia eagles, 40-22 crucial in Super Cup, that if something shook.
So what is the leaders of Kanzas towns?
This is a crisis, no stimulus for the blind panic. The main ones continue to stay everything that has never felt the appearance of the AFC championship not more than the AFC championships in seven seasons in Patrick Mahomes, as it is a starting quarter.
He defeated three of them on each occasion, but he tasted the defeat in the other two.
“Every time you lose a super bowl, it’s the worst feeling in the world that will stick to you for the rest of your career,” said Mahomes after defeat.
“It’s hard to return to the super bowl. I have to learn from it and try to better be the next opportunity I hope to get. “
Mahomes is far from leaving the chances. As well as three turf’s pursuit, he hoped to become the first quarter in NFL history before they turned four super regions.
But that doesn’t mean it’s a lack of defeat. Mahomes was seen next to the heads, as the record arm of Tom Brady, who mentioned in the new Orleans, feeling that it feels less unavailable.
“Unfortunately, the losses of three (super cups) are probably more than I think about the seven victories,” Brady confessed during his first broadcasting.
“It hurts to lose this game. We lost (New York) giants in 2007.
“I still didn’t really live it because you care so deeply. And I know that the team of these states is also doing. “
Massomes’s second super-gray loss with leaders actually had a very familiar feeling of his first, which was against Brady and Tampa’s Bey-Bet to hat the 2020 season.
Mahomes also threw those 31-9 explosion in two crosses, although he was fired three times in New Orleans in a supriterity in Superdom.
“It totally had this boa constrictor around it.” Sky Sports’ Phoebe Schecter said with Super Bowl review In the inside camera Podcast “The protection of the Eagles gave them air.
“They are a team that is number one without allowing explosive plays. They are so good in the open field and they are really smart.
“The offensive line was so struggling. Eagles started raping, and Mahomes had no place to walk, to throw football. “
Eagles ‘protection forced 11 pressure on Mahomes’ pressures, and four years ago he reached 10 times with their victory.
They spent free agency dollars on the left guard, Joe Thuney, selected selected elections, from Baltimore Ravens to left Raveens and the selected center for the Freed Huffrey and the right guard.
Had the desired effect. The city of Kansas returned to the super bowl in 2023, on that occasion, will get better from the eagles before the bragnate will spend the following free agency.
The heads of the 49th of the 49th of San Francisco were still canceled.
But in 2024, familiar failures were crawls, because Tunye had to leave, and Jawaan Taylor was fighting on the other side of the line. Mahomes hit 109 times and 47 times (including playoffs) during the regular season (including playoffs), two records for his career.
“The main ones have always been able to remain before the sticks, because they have again been able to re-equip their team’s time and time again,” Tsuter said.
“Maybe not where they want to be now. But they can be comfortable who goes ahead.
“They were in games with 12 games (this season), and they were still able to reach here. They just have to make a little bit. “
City of Kansas can certainly be delayed on a free agency and once again enhancing their composition after the loss of that last super bowl after Tampa’s bay … :
Travis Kelece set the Eagers for the intake of a career, its four handles, which took him to 39 and the Famer Jerry Rice 39 and his future remains unknown.
Mahomes certainly hopes that the 35-year-old solid end will return to the NFL 12th full season.
“I know that he still has love for the game,” said Mahomes. “He will get time to spend with his family and make that decision on his own. He will return here with open weapons. “
Kelen rejected his impending retirement reports at the beginning of the week, saying:
“I feel like I still have very good football in me,” he added.
NFL Network Insider: On Saturday, Iran Rapore reported that Kelsez did not think about retiring, while they did not ask him, and did he not ask him after Kansas Sule Bush?
It was his main escort from the loss. “You don’t lose bad without getting worse.
“There have been many things that are wrong. You just can’t say that’s the O-line or something like that.
To the question of what head coach Andy Reid said after the leadership, Kelce added: “You know, this will hurt.
Kelce or not is that the team of that head is definitely in them.
This is their consistent path due to the consistent post of the end of the Mahomes domain, they have already been listed as electors to win all this in a year.
“After that game, I received a bus (against giants); I absolutely believed in 100 percent that we were going to win, and it was just devastating, “Briddy added. “I couldn’t talk about the rest of the night.
“I just remember waking up the next morning and thought,” it’s a nightmare, that game didn’t happen, I dreamed we didn’t really play. “
“The reality of loss in this game is that you never exceed them. It’s hard to feel.
“But Patrick is a final opponent. If there is anyone who can grow, it is Patrick Mahomes, Andy Reid, this organization and what they are built. “