That’s right! As March Id approached, the shadow of the earth swallows the moon!
Or, put another path, Lunar Complete Eclipse It happens at the early 13th of March and early March 14th of March. This is one of my favorite astronomical events; Unlike fast and dangerous sunlight, the lunar eclipse is slow and stylish, it happens at night and does not require special equipment or optical support. This is easy and fun to see; You can get out every 15 minutes or so check his progress, and you usually do not miss anything.
The entire eclipse will be visible in most partly in North America and South America.
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Below are given in several stages of the eclipse, but to understand these, First you need to understand how all this spreads.
Moon Earth Orbits every 27 days. The phase we see (moon, half full, etc.) It depends on the angle between the sun, the moon and the earth. When the moon is new, between the earth and the sun, we look at his unwanted half, so it looks black. When the sun is in front of the sky, we see half-illuminated half, so it appears in full. The other phases occur between these two geometries and therefore has turned several quantities of the skin of the moon. Although the concept of the usual misconceptionThe shadow of the earth has nothing to do with phases.
But that’s why we have eclipse! The shadow of the earth moves away from the sun in the direction, the moon must be in front of the sun in our sky in an eclipse. This means lunar eclipse but happened in the full moon. As the moon is in the land, it moves in the shadow of the Earth, creating the phases of the eclipse.
The easiest way of understanding how eclipse works is to imagine you are on the moon, looking at the earth and the sun. From this point of view, this is the way, Lunar two territories are the reasons Set to see For this eclipse, our planet seems to be moving in front of the sun. Initially, the earth barely see our star. The amount of light falls but not a lot. Over time, the soil blocks more and more sunlight and the lighting goes down. You are in the shade of the earth, but because you can still see a part of the sun, you are not full Shadow. We call this part of the shadow to Penumbra, from Latin “near the shadow”.
After about an hour, you see the earth completely blocking the sun. You are in the deepest part of the shadow, it is called Umbra and dark around you. Eventually, the earth leaves the face of the sun. You can leave the Umbra and move the land around you again and the land around you again lightly illuminate until the ground is completely disabled and the eclipse is over.
What does it look like from the ground? After all, I would bet you will see this event! When the moon is not eclipse, you look at the sky in front of the sun because you can’t see the shadow of the earth because it is projected in pure spaces. But you Without the player See the shadow, which seems to be concentrated in two circles of heaven. It’s a great penumbra, and it’s smaller since it’s inside. When the moon begins to move to Penumb, it is technically darker, but it is difficult to tell at first. The moon is much deeper, his light is obvious.
Then, the main edge of the moon (in the direction of motion, east, more or less in heaven) is darkened as it touches the edge of the umbr. As the moon moves deeper to the Umbre, it grows in an arch that collects more and more lunar surfaces. Eventually covering more than half of the moon’s earth, he looks like a moon until the whole moon into the Umbran. It becomes dark as the face, a total eclipse. This period of “integrity” The moon becomes so dark, in fact, it can be difficult in the sky.
The astronomers distribute the eclipse in several phases. The first contact occurs when the moon moves the tip of the rush of the moon. The second contact is when the cutting-edge enters the Umbre; This is also the beginning of partial eclipse when the shadow of the Earth falls on the moon. The third relationship occurs when the integrity occurs. It is the fourth contact when the leading is passed to the Umbre and becomes visible again, ending with the whole and the fifth contact occurs when the entire moon comes from the umbr. Sixth contact When the Moon leaves Penumbra and the eclipse is officially completed.
Remember, from the moon, the whole sun is blocked as a whole. Usually it creates a notable phenomenon from the ground and the EERie; Than displaying the dark and dark lunar disc, the face of the moon will become blood blood. This is due to the same optical physics that causes sun and sunset: The atmosphere of the Earth emits blue light but emits red light and increases that increase while the sun is diarrhea. Soil the sun goes back in a lunar eclipse, so all The sunlight on the surface of the moon passes the most thick part of our atmosphere, bathing the moon in a rough shine. It’s pretty nice, if it is a little deconfusing.
Because the moon is in space and passes through the shadow at a given time, the time of all contacts is the same as for everyone visible. Only one side is your time field. Here are times of Eastern Day (EDT) for all contacts:
First contact: 11:57
Second contact: 1:09 am (partial starts)
Third relationship: 2:26 AM (The integrity begins)
Fourth contact: 3:32 AM (ends of integrity)
Fifth contact: 4:48 AM (partial ends)
Sixth contact: 6:00
As you can seeEach part takes more than an hour and so the whole eclipse spreads throughout the night; If you are on the west coast, it’s a little easier because it starts three hours before your watches. If you want to see the whole thing from the east coast, you may want to make a nap in the evening because it will be a long night.
But it will be worth it! It is quite amazing to see the moon slowly swallowing in the shade, and is an amazing reddish actor of the whole. You don’t need optical aid, even if you like using binoculars for a better approach.
And you never know: Full lunar eclipse in January 2019, a small asteroid hit the moon, Creating a flash created by many people who see through telescopes Streaming live waist! This is very difficult again, of course, but it was a huge allowance to see that to see that.
In any case, this eclipse is worth it, or at least to set the night awakening alarm. This year is the only moon eclipse that will be visible from North America; Otherwise, you will have to wait until 2026, when there will be two: total eclipse March 3 and partial eclipse August 28. It’s your last chance for a year so if the sky is light and if you have time, try to take a look!