Have you ever stopped your nose with anxy, eyewinker and narrow chest? “In the morning allergies,” the real guilt is hidden in your own house – if I’m dust in your own home – the dust. These microscope, invisible creatures, which are invisible, and the condition of your air passage roads, and the condition of the airport roads. Especially in its dust, the garbage particles in the dust cause allergies asthma.1
Get the Nations – Interest Homes
Dust particles are tiny, eight feet, eight feet, fits and drivers. They live around your home but are very small, causing them to see them without microscope. Just think of seeing sand particles on football field – that’s how little they are in view of us. They grow in areas where dust are stored in the dust of bed like a bed, carpets, covered furniture and curtains.
These minor creatures have some nutrition – people and pets feed dead skin cells that flow constantly. Think of our homes, breaking organic materials. This is a natural body of choosing, even though this is a little unpleasant. They do not bite or miss it, and the presence of a person is not often known.
The dust of dust passes through a number of life stages – eggs, lofs, namf and adult. This is the hottest and humidity of moisture, for this is because they grow in bed and fears, because they grow in bed and fears. That is why control of the amount at home is important to control dust people.
The usual misconception of dusty people bites people. This is not true. The problem is not their voices themselves, but their garbage products – drops of dumps and decay body parts of the body. These minor particles become airborne and they will reach allergies on asthma patients.
The body incorrect protection when allergies are hit
Mankind’s immune system works as a guard waiting for harmful invocation, such as bacteria and viruses. When these invaders go into the body, the immune system recognizes and attacks them. This is a formal and important process to stay healthy.
However, people with allergic allergic problem makes mistakes. As dust, dirt varies as a dangerous invaders. This excessive response raises a series of events leading to allergic signs. When we return to the palace, think of the army that the army had been a friendly visitor to enemy visitors.
Key player in allergic responses is IgE, which is anti-strange body type. When a person first exposes the dust as dust, the body generates different IgE antibodies for that allergies.2 These antibodies are associated with miles from the miles in the skin of the body.
The allergy connects the allergic with IGE’s antibodies on the mast cells that the person is exposed to the same allergies. This makes the chemicals that cause the chemicals that cause Hustomy and other common allergic symptoms of allergic allergic symptoms: It causes asthma for some. If you do not handle properly, your allergic details will be longer:3
“At first, many patients, such as a single allergic disorder, develop such as allergic rashina (this allergic honey or anopec machine).
This process can be partially led by a dangerous circle, which reduces the function of an allergic bump. This includes the exposure of the immune system and the current allergic allergic uge provides insight into new allergies.
Anim’s impact on asthma – narrow weather
Asimal of Asm’s disease, the chronic respiratory problem is affected by the air, and the ears of the lungs will hurt the airways of the lungs. When hit, these airways of the airplay roads make it difficult for breathing. Think as you try to breathe in a thin stalks – that’s what happened when an asthma attacks.
During asthma attacks, airline tubes loses cover. The muscles around the respiratory tube are also prohibited, they will bear the passage. This air makes it into the lungs and let it go out, which leads to multiple symptoms.
The common symptoms of asthma is the breath of breaths, malig, chest congestion and breath. The size of these symptoms is easier to hard, which greatly hurts one’s quality of life. According to the study of Europe’s Journal of Allergic and Clinical Imagement, the dust, is a common allergic allergies for Asim attacks.4
“Now, as the Dermatophogoides (D) of the Dermatopetoids (D) of the Dermatophotsinus or D. Farinae, you will be the most important home allergies that are related to Asn. I.G.
Factory evidence is like asthma, allergic rebitative (AR), APPIC Dermatititis (AIDS) with the home bite (HDM), or allergic allergies.
In addition, it is important to understand the difference between allergic and asin. Allergies are an initial defense response to convictions such as mentally secrets. Ast respiratory tubes is a chronic tuberculosis that is overly emotional.
The dust of dust raises allergic allergic allergic responses, then causes Ash’s symbols on exposed people. Therefore, people with dust nitle allergies are as greatly exposed to Asim attacks of dust’s breaths.
Practical measures of a house of asthma
There are several effective strategies to reduce the vulnerability of dusting wives for helping control of asthma. One of the most important measures is to create an area that reduces dust in your house. Begin by washing your bed regularly by washing your bed regularly in hot water, including Angel, purse bags and blankets.5
The use of allergic scular mattresses and pillows will hinder the dusty polets from contaminating your bed. Regularly, a regular vacuum cleansing vaccine will prevent their dust of the secrets and garbage products. Standing in your home (less than 50%) of your home (less than 50%) helps reduce the quantities of dust, because it grows in moisture area.6
It is especially important to clear regular cleaning in bedrooms and bedrooms. Pay attention to places such as pets, carpets, covered furniture and curtains. Drying the pants with a dry cloth helps to rob the dust instead of stretching the dust. Allergic examination helps to identify additional trigons, for example:7
- Pets – For your hometate skin, the skin of your animal, and exposure to the skin of hair, urine, or saliva will raise as asthma.
- Pollen powder – The substance of the flour of trees, grass, and weed. The flock of tree and grassy are on the spring of the spring, and they have high flower flour during the spring and weeds.
- Mold – Mold Fasting Froshes When you breathe, they will release asthma.
- Colrots – Exposure and drop of flight are raising asthma.
- Food – Any meter can be allergic to any other common food allergies soy, wheat, peanuts, eggs, fish, and Shellfish.8
Adjust your diet to help control bumps with asthma
Based, as a self-defense is, and one of the most important strategies to control it is to facilitate the function of microndar. One of the most important steps you take is to reduce your food consumption Linoley acid (la)There is located in vegetables used to cook the very many coordinated foods. In addition, vegetable oils come in different form, and it’s very important to know yourself well. Most of the most use of the following:
Soybeans |
Corn |
Canla |
The sunflower |
The sunflower |
Peanuts |
To protect your health, I recommend that your LA consumption can be restricted to 5 grams a day. It’s better if you can get less than 2 grams a day. This is the best course to follow because your body needs some lama. If you want to know how much laa eat, put your meal on cranometer.com, make sure that you install it correctly. The next step is to cook your own food at home, such as cabbage, sailing butter and coconut oil.
Removing vegetables and replacing healthy oils is just beginning. More nutrition methods include:
• By increasing an additional omega-3 lubrics One study 695 pregnant mothers in the last pregnancy of the pillow in the last pregnancy of oil or olive oil compression. The researchers followed these babies in the first five years in their lives.
Their mothers have made the children less than 30.7% compared to asthma.9 That means that you can lower your LA intake before you add you Omitga-3 because it is still the polyunafupled Faticat (PUFA).
In fact, if there are over Pufas in your system, Omega -3 can cause a metabolism damage to LA. Therefore, if they are pregnant, reduction of LA size and the amount of omega-3 ratio, the amount of omega-3 are wise.
• Drink the raw milk – There is a study of the maintenance of the cast milk health benefits, and there is a study that support claims. In one of the years of life, 983 babies of children who have been killed in the rest of the European surveillance of babies throughout Europe.10
• Increase Vitamin D Studies have confirmed that taking a vulnerability of vitamin D11 And rhinitis12 On children. However, sunlight is still the best vitamin D Source of Vitamin D. Guide for Safe Sun Exposure, Read “Role with vitamin D shortage in mental illness“It says.”
QuierCetin Add to your diet
If you slow down, consider adding additional QUERCETIN in your diet. In fact, studies are the color of the plantin under the delvonid group, and studies show that the bioactive belly helps to control signs of signs. Researchers show an anti-inflammation of an anti-inflammation that supports QuierCetin’s airways, which supports Quier Current Diet Foods on Georgal Physical Foods.13
“Ancient causes of Asim is a common state of the IgE levels, and the eosinophilic air passive air passage reduces th2 cytophone, mucus, and eosinophils into the lung tissue …
Quercetin is a balance of th1 / th2 balance, declaration of the ICT, and improve the chronic adological changes. In addition, Quercetin Nancystals has shown that they have a strong anti-trend capacity of mass quartcetin from mass quartcetin …
In addition, Quercetin has an anti-inflammatory effect on Newthrophy. Airline swelling And it has the ability to block CA2 + -permeant channels, which prevent the air passage from an appointment of the air passage soft muscles. Qufficiency can help the short-term action to treat asthma.
Now where QuierCetin helps to control sample disease, what is the best way to find it? The element of Quercein is the fact that the great thing is in diet of diet. These green freshmen are vegetables, lemonter fruits, blueberry, cranberry and green tea. They are particularly high-rated by pim, especially in skin, and on the Warcular and on Warcular.14
Quercein is also a form of complement. To maximize his efficiency, Driver Dr. Sin Jung has written 500 and 1,000 millgrams two to four.15 Date to protect yourself from allergy-asthma.16 I recommend that you integrate Quiercein from the best of the network, vitamin C, or a gang.17