February 19, 2025
Fulling Gwin Wilcox, Trump hopes that the Supreme Court will cancel 90 years of legal precedent and will give him powers to dismiss members of independent councils.

At the end of the evening of January 27, 2025, Gwin Wilcox, an outstanding work lawyer, who confirmed the Senate Member of the National Council on Labor Relations (NLRB) and the first black woman to ever serve in the council in her 90-year-old story received an email filled with a mistake, from a White House employee, which reports that President Trump immediately removes Her from position. The next day, the agency’s officials disabled the Wilcox email and continued the termination of her employment, despite the fact that for more than three years left on the five -year confirmation of the Senate Wilkks.
The consequences and consequences of Trump’s actions were urgent and far away. Fulling Wilcox, President Trump has disabled NLRB because, by law, the Council requires three members to make decisions. Since there were already two vacancies in December 2024 (the Senate refusal to confirm two nominees), the removal of Wilkakks left the council only two members (both of them white men, which corresponds to the Trump administration, Trump administration record Only appoint white people in NVRB).
It was not necessary for employers for a long time to take advantage of the opportunity presented by him. Whole Foods (owned by Amazon Jeff Bezos anti -Union boss) submitted a protest rally over the decision of his workers’ association in the Philadelphia store, claiming (incorrectly) that the NLR regional director was powerless to confirm the result of the election because the NLRB lacked quorum because NV lacking a quorum that is not There is enough quorum. Whole Foods is wrong in the law – the regional director still has authority to certify the election. But without the functioning of the NLRB there is no subject to perform the determination of the regional director and bring to justice Whole Foods. Other employers are sure to follow the example and finger of the noses on their commitments in accordance with the National Workers’ Relations Act (NLRA) by adding recent floods problem Against the constitutionality of the NVRB itself.
Essence: The only late email e -mail has threatened the 80 million workers’ traded rights.
Wilcox fights. A few days after her removal she filed lawsuit Against President Trump and NVRB Chairman Marvin Kaplan challenge its removal as unprecedented and illegal. A legal briefing was held, and the federal judge reviews the arguments in its case on March 5.
According to all the data, Wilcox should win their business and be restored. NLRA contains a clear language by saying that NLRB member may be removed by the president after noticeing and hearing for neglecting duties or abuse, in office, But no other reason“(Emphasis added). (There is no such” for the reason “of protection against removal to the NWR for the Agency General Lawyer, which Trump also fired on an email on January 27.) The President did not determine any neglect or accomplish Wilkaks, and he is not he, And also he is not he, not he, not he, not he, not he, not it. It was the main process in the message and hearing.
And this is a part – by firing Wilcox and many other members of independent agencies, such as the Equal Employment Commission, the Federal Election Commission, the Federal Administration on Labor Relations and others, President Trump seeks to provoke a legal problem and change the law by changing. He hopes that the Supreme Court, three whose judges, appointed Trump – abolish 90 -year legal precedent and manages the fact that the president has the powers to dismiss members of independent councils and commissions at any time, despite the statutory language on the contrary. The White House employee said that in his late night, Wilcaks said that the presidential executive power had been blown up by the NVRD. Trump’s Justice Department confirmed this position in letter For the representative of Jamie Raskina, claiming that “due to” the defense was unconstitutional.
The consequences abolished the 90-year precedent of the Supreme Court would be far significant. Congress has created numerous independent agencies – NVRB, Equal Equipment Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Selet Commission, and more – to protect workers, consumers and public from discrimination, unfair competition, garbage and other corporate corporations. The Federal Reserve is another independent agency whose members have statutory protection against removal. If a Trump’s president is provided with green light for members of these independent agencies for any reason, including to make measures or decisions he disagrees, it completely undermines the independence and objectivity of agencies and leaves them vulnerable to their decisions and actions. This would stop the work of independent agencies as we know them.
This is a really terrible thing when anyone thinks about the presidential campaign and then a Trump candidate praise Elon Musk for shooting strikers, which, of course, illegally in accordance with our labor law. How is NVRB intended to support the right of workers to strike and other fundamental rights if they know the president who believes that the impression is illegal, can fire them at any time? The cooling effect on NLRB members and their ability to support and fulfill the rights of labor unmistakably.
With the NLRB disabled until Wilcox is restored (or Trump wins the NLRB’s new members’ approval that has not yet been nominated), what should workers and their fans? To begin with, workers and supporters need to continue to speak out and pay attention to the admiration of Trump’s power – his unprecedented and illegal firing from the first black woman who, if she served in NVRB, as well as the destructive consequences for the rights of the workers and the ability of the agency to protect and follow your Right. Elected officials on both parties should talk about the actions of the president and how they undermine the constitutional role of the Senate. Responsible employers’ responsible associations must also join Outric as NLRA protects them from illegal activity and helps to ensure stability.
Complete silence on the part of the business community in response to this unprecedented and devastating act caused trouble and anxiety. But most importantly, workers and supporters should keep the attention of millions of workers who want trade unions but do not yet have them, and obviously forcibly and loudly advocate the organization and talks of workers. Workers’ defenders – universities, community leaders, elected officials are needed to publicly disgrace entire products and other corporations that are on the path of workers trying to exercise their rights.
Donald Trump may have temporarily disconnected NLRB – and true, the advice is unlikely to be an employee After its appointed, but he did not do it, and cannot take away the rights of the workers for the formation of trade unions and participate in the collective negotiations to improve his working conditions. There is a long history of workers to successfully organize, despite legal obstacles and failures. This is another of those moments, and it is very important that workers are encouraged and supported for their rights.
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