Blood donation cannot be a pure altruist
Serhihudak / Ukrain / Future publication via Getty Images
Blood lenders may be achieving more than one warm and blurred feeling of their altruism, to increase the ability to produce healthy blood cells to reduce the risk of developing blood cancer.
Hector Huerga Encabo At the London Francis Crick Institute and his colleagues studied genetic data from 217 men in Germany, aged 60 to 72, which gave blood more than 100 times. They also looked at the samples of a similar age that gave him blood 10 times, and the lenders knew that they had blood cells eat more frequently. Dnmt3a.
To understand this difference, genetically engineered human blood cells. To imitate the effects of blood donation, they also added a hormone called EPO, when the body continues blood loss, to some dishes.
A month later, cells with high frequency mutations grow faster than 50 percent faster without mutation, but only on the dishes with EPO. Without this hormone, two cell types were similar rates.
“Therefore, every donation of blood, you will explode in your system and improve cell growth with them Dnmt3a Mutations, “says Encabok.
Having more of these mute blood cells is beneficial, they wore mutations that arouse leukemia risk, and again, in front of the EPO, they were often overcome by donor cells, and were able to produce red blood cells. This suggests Dnmt3a Mutations are beneficial and can eliminate cell cancer growth, encabo.
“It is to provide pressure on the selection of blood donations, to improve your cell status of thousand,” he says Ash toye Bristol University, United Kingdom. “You’re not only saving someone’s life, maybe you are improving your blood system fitness.”
More work is needed to check if that really happens, he says Marc Mansour At the University of the University of London University, laboratory experiments offer a very simplified image of what happens in the body. “This must be validated in a much greater cohort, in different ethnic groups, females and other age groups,” says Mansour. The donor also emphasizes Dnmt3a Mutations may not be able to see this benefit.