The Eagles’ Don Felder
Suffers the medical event fund
Former Eagle guitarist Don Felder After the song, the emergency was emergency, and everything was in the video.
Don performed the classic eagles of “Tequila Sunrise” when he suddenly stopped serving his guitar and seemed to lose his balance.
Legendary Rocker was doing rock legends on Thursday evening … And she seemed to be good until she was. Wisdom shows that before starting the song, he talks about the origin of “Tequila Sunrise”, and after a few seconds everything changes.

April 2019
In the crowd, people came out Support to Don when he left.
The team of Don posted on Friday on Friday, saying … “After paying medical attention, he was considered suffering from dehydration. He was given liquids and feels much better.
Cruise still sailes the Bahamas and needs to have more presentations … And his team says they are working to resume his gigs and to be completely recovering.