The dominant Australia has completed the first test for a session and one day to save one day, handing the landlords to the victims.
Sri Lanka overturned in their second places for 247, exposed to one places and dropped into 242. Their previous heaviest major defeat in India was held in India in Nagpur in Nagpur.
Spinners Matthew Kuhnemann and Nathan Lyon Ran Riot, spreading 16 overlooks between themselves, as they dismantle the fragile combat of Sri Lanka in two seconds.
Kuhanemann, who has already caused five mower, ended in nine numbers of 149, its best test cricket.
How Shri Lanks fell into a heavy home defeat
The resistance of Sri Lanka was best weak. Before dinner, they lost eight loads and seven tables and tea, as Australia signed their reputation with smart bowling and exclusive field.
Dinesh Chandom was alone in the first places, scoring 72, and Jeffrey Vandersai, on the second century, brought half a century. Her blistered 53 of the 47 balls, located in seven four and two six, were a sharp reminder that the playing field had no demons. The application was required.
Sri Lanka hoped that Vandersai had to delay inevitable and help them avoid their worst defeat, but only four runs needed to exceed that unwanted post.
The bathing of Sri Lanka was a disaster. Partnerships, discipline and smart shot selection.
Only two semesters, the fragile blizzard of Sri Lanka is required to make changes to serious questions and the second test is expected to meet on Monday.
Captain Dhanajaya de Silva spoke about the return of Whitn-Muruy Cup, which was lost in 2019. But together with Australia, the leader is occupied by the incomplete 1-0 lead, the cup remains a perception of visitors.
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