How did Iguana arrived from North America to Fiji millions of years
A genetic study reveals that Fiji Iguana is closely linked to lizards that live in the North American deserts. How is this possible?

A Brachylofus BullabulaUsually, Iguana, Fiji Island, Fiji, Fiji.
Her bright green scale and blue and white powder, Fijian Iguianas look at home in long and tropical islands, and for this purpose they are named. But scientists have long passed the big volumes of lizard how they came in the South Pacific first time.
New Iguana Genetics Analysis published on Monday US National Academy of Science Academy, Supports the assumption that imposes Reptiles actually traveled from southwestern North America-The most popular oceanic operations of more than 5,000 miles of natural.
The Iguana colonized islands in the Caribbean Sea and Galápagos archipelago. But one of these travels does not compare Fiji’s journey, isolate the isolated island chain more than 1,600 kilometers from Australia.
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They had some speculate that the flamers reached the islands through land bridges Southern supercontinent, gondwana, splintered. Others, that Iguanas floated the “balts” of the South American tree, which would take several months.
To learn more about new studies, researchers compare the genomes of one of the four gender species in the genus Brachylofo Fiji and Tonga are found with those with various species found in America. Genetic data revealed that the Fijian reptiles were linked to Iguanas in the genre Dipsisonus, Those with deserts from Southwestern North America, far more than 5,000 kilometers from Fiji.

Desert Iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis).
Natural History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo
The close relationship between Fijian Iguanas (some of them) and Desert Iguanas surprised Christina de Jesús Villanueva, a member of the specialization of the International Union International Union International Union International Union Union. “Ordinary ancestor between green iguana (Iguana Iguana) and Galápagos Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) It would be the first intention before Iguanas in Fijian, “he said.” But they continue to find ways to surprise nature and evolution. “
According to research researchers, Fijian Iguanas diverted among North American relatives between 34 million and 31 million years after breaking Gondwana, this is probably. The wide range of the wide ocean between North America and Fiji was crossed by floating the mats of vegetation. A trip like this to science the science without a vertebrate non-vertebrate without vertebrates without vertebrates.
The author of the Author of Simon Scarpetta is an evolutionary biologist at the University of San Francisco. “If you had to think about a group of vertebrates that can last thousands of thousands of miles of open ocean”, “says” Iguanas has a great opportunity. “