The mathematician has been known as “rectangle” for more than 2,000 years. At the time, professionals and amateurs published the same as claiming thousands of false evidence. False proof attempts are natural blocks on mathematical advances. The path is often fallen when expert mistakes are discovered in expert research or crank arguments when the basic odor tests fail to be disrupted. But it didn’t quietly disappear. Instead, a volunteer mathematician to go to the Tutor’s State, ridiculous multimedia and got almost wrong PI (π) value coded to law.
Here is the problem that consumes ancient Greek mathematicians And since others: Seeing a circle, build a square with the same square using only the compass and correct. Maybe you can remember from school. Take two points and draw a circle focused on one of them, while passing on the other. A law helps draw straight lines; It’s like a measurement branded authority. As a founder Geometric evidenceThe Greeks placed emphasize a special in drawing ability or Build, their study objects with the simplest tools.
The task seems easy, but the solution was amazing. In 1894 the doctor and mathematical dabbler Edward J. Goodwin He thought he found one. He felt so proud of his discovery, in 1897, he He pulled the bill For his domestic state of India, what he thought was a mathematical evidence of the law. In return, he would allow the State to use its evidence without paying fees. They should ask at least three important red flags to look at the legislators with Goodwin skepticism. Mathematical research did not charge the rules around those who charge or legally confirmed the theorems and alleged evidence to confirm the background. Among other errors, Pi, is the relationship between the circle circumference of the circle, is 3.2 well fixed 3,14159…. However, in a stimulating legislature, the House of Indiana passed the bill in an unanimous vote.
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Why would politicians create Hogwash and Sully to spend its popular politics in sterling popularity? In their defense, it seemed confused about the contents of the invoice and played the heat, first at the Canals Committee, he fell to the Committee on Education. They made three formal readings of bill before voting. Goodwin also managed to post his workAmerican Mathematical monthly, Very renowned magazine on this day. This probably removed credibility to his eyes, although the magazine had a policy, not publishing all the submissions through the “Author” label. Perhaps Indiana’s house wanted to tip the problem in front of the state of the state to determine the constant fate of the empire.
As if this story was not enough, Goodwin efforts to square the circle from the beginning: Ferdinand von Lindemann mathematicians Proved to be an impossible task In 1882. In addition, Lindemann arguments explains why so many false evidence false evidence that fade circle hinges in the wrong values.
How, consider the circle with radius 1. Calculating the field, a = πr2This circle has an π area. Having the same area, a square calculated by a square in the side length, should measure each side √√. So the great geometric puzzle of antiquity is boiling this: 1 unit reference length can draw a long line segment using only the compass and correctness? Doing this is an easy part of killing other corners of the live square angle. The mathematicians crowded with this question, and while no one could fix it, they made significant progress when Lindemann entered.
By then, the mathematics community knew it was possible to build certain lengths. It’s strange, you can build a line of a few lengths with a compass and directly with all this length with integrity, subtraction, multiplication, division and square roots. So simple Greek tools can build very complicated numbers:

These tools could not build comparatively simple numbers, such as 2 cubes root (number three times, it is equal to 2, as there is no way to express any expression according to five authorized operations.
Lindemann proved that it is Pi Transcendental number. This means not only that +, × and √-√-√, the roots of the cubes, fifth roots, and so on are not. He did this by expanding the first job of Charles Hermite mathematician show that other famous constant, EE (Euler’s number2.71828 …), it is transcendental. Although it is included in the simplest form of geometry, it cannot be indicated by the simplest language of the PI algebra. Because Pi is not built in length, it is not √√, rendering the task that can be impossible for the circle. He also saw the findings in idiomatic language. Today means the “circle box” impossible to try.
These views also explain why Goodwin can be impossible after PI after assuming that it is equal 3.2. We can write as 16/5 in 16/5, which clearly uses integers and division. Replacing a neat, Rational number For Pi, Goodwin had the basic difficulty of the problem.
Of course, in 1897 no one else known in the government of the Indiana. After passing the State House, it is the only vote of disagreement, Hoosier State Fiat was the Senate State Senate that moved away from the basics of mathematics. Through pure coincidence, the main math teacher at the Purdue University, Clarence A. Waldo, as the legislator rang to the state. Waldo came to go lobby to his school’s budget when he exceeded the mathematical discussion. Worried about the procedure, Walden decided to derave the bill. He stuck around the state senators to educate geometric themes, hoping to end the FARSA. Depending on the time of the discussion, the senator was equipped with Waldo’s tutor and probably pressed media attention since the news covers the story.
Editorial Chicago Tribuna With embarrassing sarcasm:
The immediate impact of this change will be given all circles when indiana enter greater circumference or less diameter. An Ohio Illinois circle or circle is as simple as a 3.2 in Indiana, 3.2. It must be as simple as 3.2.
The Indian’s Senate did not vote down the invoice. State Senators, however, agreed to delay it indefinitely. If he didn’t have mathematics at the right time, he might continue to walk through the circles.