Once upon a time, a strong and attractive hero lost one or both of his parents. Then he passed a bunch of obstacles and dealing against a monster who terrorized his community. The heroes monster disappeared and was celebrated.
If this story seems to be known, Superman, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker and other fictional heroes are traveled to the road. His permanent appeal has almost rocky researchers. However, in recent years, the study of storytellers, experts in linguists, psychologists and cultural evolution, has begun to test the subject of myths and folklomes, powerful algorithms and evolutionary thinking. In the end, we have started answering the key questions, including what makes a good story, why some are more durable than others and exactly what we can return to the most popular roots, as well as the time and space.
It’s an epic search, but it has never been a better time. Unlike Bothers Grimm and other folkers, modern interviewers of storytellers do not have a sharp rural work. They do not need to escape from their computers to board the creation and evolution of the stories. “Social media is a natural experiment on the storyteller, through its entire platform,” says folklorists and ethnographers folklorists and ethnographers at the University of California, Berkeley. What’s more, this new scientific approach can clarify some phenomena that looks like modern …