Road Anger case
Fireworks launched in a woman’s car …
Dashcam Video:

Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office
Two vehicles have entered a terrible road rage incident, during which fireworks were launched from the car window, and the police are now looking for the culprits.
The wild scene occupied the wild scene on February 1, and it shows a Dodge pick-up truck, which was driving the car, as they were on the barrel.
The agle attached to a woman driving by a woman, shot the truck with a person behind the person behind the wheel and the passenger.
The passenger of the truck begins to launch a Roman candle rocket to the car to the car, prompting the terrible driver to try to leave.
But the truck kept him to follow him and fired Roman candles in his car until he turned into a Fred Meier’s store parking.
The truck then accelerated.
The Kivap Sheriff’s office, which released Dashcam video on Instagram, asks information about the truck or its occupants.
What caused by road anger is still in the investigation phase … But, fortunately, no one has been damaged.