Court hall fight
The suspect of the murder attacks the victim’s family

The chaos erupted in the new Mexican Court, when the family of a killed woman attacked her suspicious killer … And the fight brawls all the video.
Crazy scene fell on Friday in Albuquerque when the alleged killer Alexander Ortiz went before the judge.
Ortiz is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, Alianna Farfan: … And the new video shows the moment of Farfhani uncle, Carlos lucerohops around the courtroom gate and attack Ortiz.
The fists fly and Louquet takes the alleged killer of his cousin to the ground.
Another person is in a hurry that several leeses in Ortiz and you see the father of Ortiz. JOERAY ORTIZ:Hurry upon the opposite of the gallery to defend his son from his double strikers, one of them strikes face.
The fight continues about a minute ago when Sheriff’s deputies arrive and break the fight.
After Meleee, Lucero reports that the police “every moment was worth the struggle” because “he is scared like a coward.”
Uncle and his label team partner, Pete Ysasiwere arrested and accused of crimes.