The police officer stated that he was “determined to treat” Chelsea’s football player Sam Kerry after he called him “stupid and white,” the court heard.
Australia International is in the trial, accused of accused of the computer hall, Stefan Loveli during the January 30 incident on January 30, 2023.
Ker, 31, 31 and his partner, West Ham midfielder Christie Muis drank when a taxi driver motivated the taxi driver to refuse to pay for cleaning costs and from them. one smashed the window’s back window.
Women said officers that the driver “acted crazy”, he was very fast, stopping several times, quickly accelerating in the car and left them for about 15 minutes of trial continued on Tuesday.
The footage of the PC Lover’s body had previously played lawyers, in which Ker tells the PC Lover and PC Samuel Limb that he and Mrs. Mouleti “are very scared” and damaged the house.
The police station is believed to have been “abusive and insulting” to PC LoVell, calling him a “stupid and white”.
The seven passes the comments, but denies that they are charged.
The service of the prosecutor’s prosecutor’s office was initially decided not to pay uncovered, heard the court.
It made PC Lovell that he only made a statement that Mrs. Kerry’s comments had caused alarms or harassment after that decision.
In the first statement of CPS, the officer did not mention the “stupid and white” comment that affected him, said the jury.
The police have filed a lawsuit against the cancellation of the CPS decision, and reacted that the result will be limited to apologizing, heard the court.
Prosecutors later demanded further evidence, and the second statement from Azerbaijan was issued in December 2023, noting.
He reads a passage section of the statement that the comments said that he had “shiver, upset and lost and left to) me humiliated.”
The charge was authorized later, in late 2023, almost a year after the incident.
In order to protect the crossroads, Grace, which protects the Cerse, said during the crossroads.
He answered “No” before the agendal that the officers were engaged in the pursuit of the persecution in August 2023.
“During July-August 2023, the Women’s World Cup was playing,” said the Defender Lawyer.
PC Lovell replied: “If you say so, yes.”
MS Forbes said: “Mrs. Kerry was playing for her country,” and “she would be on the whole TV, remember to see her.”
The officer denied that in order to see the attacker on television, before the defender said the bore.
He added: “You were determined to pursue this man, you wouldn’t.”
PC Lover said that “yes” and Mrs. Forbes asked “through criminal courts.”
Officer said “yes” again.
MS Forbes noted that CPS was initially evidence of harassment or alarm, and offering the second PC Lover statement described their influence on the “net line.”
During the reconsideration of Prosecutor Bilm, Zuraging said the jury called “F ****** stupid.”
To the question of how he feels “F ****** stupid and white,” he said, “It was very unnecessary.”
Mr. Jones asked if his race has “any importance, to what extent can you see what is happening” and “no” says he “shrinks” him.
The prosecutor asked. Hotspent
The trial continues.