Referring filed a new bill on Monday This would clearly interfere with the school police from tickets and fined the students for improper behavior.
The legislation for the first time will also require the districts to monitor police activity in schools and to disclose it to the state – the data collection has made more urgent because the federal authorities signal that they would eliminate their role in civil rights.
Investigation PROPUBLICA and CHICAGO Tribune 2022, “The cost of children is paid”, “” It turned out that, despite the fact that the law of Illinois prohibits school officials directly by the fines of the students, the districts were pleasing the law, urging the police to issue quotes for violation of local rulings. Also found that Black students were twice as likely to be brought to school than their white peers.
After the investigation of the news, the governor, state guards and legislators called on the schools to stop the practice, but the legislative efforts repeatedly stopped. The bill made on Monday at the Illinois House is accepting a new approach to stopping tickets to police in schools, making it clear that police may arrest students for crimes or violence, but that they cannot carry tickets to students for violations of local rulings that prohibit a number , including lime behavior, absenteeism and other behavior.
This difference in the previous versions of the legislation was not clear, which led to concern that schools would not be able to include the police in serious issues – and became a key reason for the legislation legislation. Tickets issued for civil law violations are often considered in administrative hearings where students usually do not receive a legal representation.
Res. La Shawn Ford, Democrat from Chicago and Chief Sponsor of the Bill, said that students on Waring tickets are an example of how the current policy falls. He said that it is important that the school districts disclose what types of police interactions are underway to control civil rights violations and other problems.
“We must certainly make sure that we believe in the law. We cannot allow Trump’s policies to dictate our morality,” Ford said. “Our schools should be a place where we protect students from the pipeline to school to prison.”
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A number of propaganda groups that make up the legislation together with the State Council for Illinois, say that the stronger, more accurate version of the legislation is new energy 2023 and 2024 Legislative classes.
Earlier bills have never received complete voting in any ward. The Association of Police Chiefs Illinois was one of those who object to the bill on fears of restraint to the police to criminal activity.
Patrick Kreis, Vice -President of the Association Association, said the group stands for the police, which remains in the disciplinary issues of students such as absenteeism and waping. He has not yet seen new bills, but said the group would work with legislators and supporters “to find out if there is a way to do this work where we can still do this work and evaluate the main concern.”
Amy Galvin with a stand for children, a nonprofit organization Illinois, which pushes for its own capital and racial justice, said that the districts were monitoring the participation in the police is a way of “checking Trump” by students’ civil rights.
“We would like to see this data in Illinois,” Galvin said. “If the policy changed in (the US Department of Education), we would have lost all the data on how schools interact with law enforcement, and this is really about us.”
For many years, the US Civil Rights Department has been collecting extensive information on how often the police are involved in students and how students often arrest. President Donald Trump said he wants to dismantle the department, and it is unclear what influence he could have on civil rights data. And the federal government never followed the students of the tickets.
The second bill, which is also aimed at stopping police in schools, is expected to be submitted to the Illinois Senate on Tuesday. Although it will also be aimed at stopping tickets, it will probably bring a different approach than the version of the house, forbidding the school administrators to urge the police to write tickets as a disciplinary consequence. It would also ban the schools from reference to copyright students or their parents to the authorities, which will be fined.
Ford and Senate Karina Vila, a Democrat from Western Chicago, said they were counting on discussions on both bills to get widespread support and clarify the final version of the legislation.
As a result of the reform, some flights and efforts after the investigation of the “Children’s Board”, including the Prosecutor General, who confirmed that the school administrators operate the gap in state legislation, police students. What is the investigation found a large commuter Chicago district violated the law when he sent police to penalties And that practice was disproportionately affected by black and Latin American students. The best legal government of the state has announced the practice of illegal and stated that it should stop.
But the sponsors of the House and the Senate of the new legislation stated that the practice would continue without it. The records show that the school police conducted checks of students in the university in the District in the Eastern State, Eastern Peor in the Central Illinois and Monmute near the western border with Ieva over the last year for a number of disabled people, such as tobacco, tobacco, struggle or Alcohol consumption.
In one city, students received fines of up to $ 450 this fall for the possession of cannabis; In the other, strolling fines for dozens of students and their families are sent to the collections.
“They should not be penalty families, and they should not send officers to issue tickets to students,” said the villa about schools where the students receive tickets. “Our bill is intended to stop the practice.”
Other state leaders also said they wanted to finish the practice of tickets at school, including the governor of JB Pritzker and the head of state schools Tony Sanders. The State Council for Illinois Education forced to prevent students at school as disciplging one of the sessions Legislative priorities In December.
Council’s press -secretary Jackie Matthew stated that the change of the law was necessary “especially from the disproportionate impact that this practice has on the color of students.”
“We continue to work with the stakeholders and legislators to come into a decision that protects students,” she said.