50 cents for verdict
You had goons hit me with the SUV door !!!
He says the suit is shocked
50 cents He told his entourage to hit a photographer with a car door, knocking a man from his electric scooter and offended him in the process … at least in the new court.
The “DA CLUB” rapper sues by a man named Guadalupe de Los SantosWho claims 50 cents using SUV to attack him?
In the documents purchased by TMZ, the man claims that he went to 50 cents on September 11 to sign the park in Los Angeles to draw the famous video.
He says that after the event ended his tray the nearest street recording shots, when the 50 century SUV pulled down in the red light … left and knocked him on his scooter.
The boy says he hit the sidewalk and suffered bodily injuries.
He claims that there is no reason to open the door except hitting him … And he claims that 50 cents keep the photo.
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The boy says that his medical bills are gathering, and his injuries make him miss the work and lose to earn.
Gloria Alr 50 cents to sue the boy, and the rapper simply responded to the lawsuit in the social media … by dividing the old photo together. “The moment I realized I need to know better, chase another ambulance.”